Give your customers the experience they expect once they click “Continue shopping” on your Woocommerce store.
Using this plugin your customer will be redirect back to where ever they came from once they click “Continue shopping”
This could be that they saw your product from a special category, chances are they want more things from this category so after click “Continue shopping”
They will be directed back to this category.
The plugin is not limited to categories though, we will redirect back to wherever the customer go to the product from -we will never redirect outside of your webpage though.
You can even exclude specific URL’s you do not want the system to “remember” this could be that you have a landingpage and never want to redirect back to that.
Will the customer be redirected back to the product the added to cart?
No, the standard Woocommerce implementation does this, however we dont think this is smart, once they already added the product to the card, why would they ever want to look at it again?
Instead we redirect the customer back to the page they go to the product from. This could be a category, a landingpage etc. -
Will my customer be redirected back to ex. Facebook?
No, we never redirect back to anywhere that is not your website. If the customer got to the product from ex. A facebook shopping feed the customer will get redirected to your frontpage.
Do i need Woocommerce for this to work?
Yes, this is an extension to Woocommerce.
What if i have a page i dont want the customer to get redirect back to?
In this case, you can go to the “Infinite shopping” menu point in the WordPress menu.
Here you can add URL’s that the system want “remember”. Be very specific once adding these as the system match the URL
On a word basis. This means that just inputting “shop” will exclude all URL’s with the text “shop” in them.
- First release
- Improved the framework.
- Improved the framework.
- Improved the framework.