這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Jometo.ir Fashion Designer


With this plugin you will easily put a Fashion Designer form for Designing customizable fashion ideas, Anywhere in your website.

How to use

  1. First Install the plugin.
  2. Use the plugin’s main Shortcode anywhere inside any Page or Post: [jometo fashion]


Anywhere you put this shortcode fashion designer form will be shown:
[jometo fashion]

Set language

As a second argument inside the Shortcode you can define your language:

[jometo fashion en]

  • Supported languages list:

1. English

    [jometo fashion en]

2. Farsi/Persian (فارسی)

    [jometo fashion fa]

3. Dutch (Nederlands)

    [jometo fashion nl]

4. Turkish (Türkçe)

    [jometo fashion tr]

Live demo

You can check an online live demo of this designer plugin here:
Jometo fashion designer

How to edit css

The sass files are available in the package in the /sass folder. You can edit and compile it. You can find the sass documentation here.


  • In this screenshot the initial Designer form has been shown with a save button to download the final result.
  • Here the Clothes type and Pattern selected from the lists.
  • In this screenshot the user has selected Custom pattern file for the design.
  • Here you can see that the form could be minimized.


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  • In This first version of Fashion Desginer we have three types of clothes besides five types of predefined designs.