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If you write an project article / a project page and would like insert a simple
progressbar to show the status of the project, this plugin will be yours.
Insert on an article / a page simply a custom field with name jcProjectStatus
and a percentile value between 1 and 100, and/or another custom field with the
name jcProjectExcerpt with a short description of the project as value.
After then put the shortcode [jcWpProjectStatus] in the editor where you want
to locate the progressbar in the post and on the frontend will show a animate
progressbar with your percentile status of work.
Futher you can make a page (or article) to show a listing of all public projects
with the status of each project and also the linked title to the post of them.
Doing this with the shortcode [jcWpProjects] into the editor where you want to
locate the listing.
A sidebar widget completes the plugin, where you can show animate little
progressbars for each active project with linked title to the post. You can set
it to show all active projects or a choose amount of them.
Simply upload the plugin to the plugin dir of wordpress and activate it.
You can use the custom fields on the articles / pages and shortcodes to show the
progressbar or use the Sidebar – widget to show a listing of your active
If you want to show a progressbar on a post, set in the custom fields a new
combination with name “jcProjectStatus” and the percentile value between 1 and
100. Put the shortcode [jcWpProjectStatus] into the article where you want to
locate the animate progressbar.
If you want to show a listing of all active projects (public posts), put the
shortcode [jcWpProjects] into the article where you want to showing the li-
listing with all active projects each with linked title to the post and animate
- How use it in articles/pages?
Put in the custom field the name “jcProjectStatus” and into the value the
percentile number between 1 and 100 for the project-status.Into the article you can show the progressbar of this project with the
shortcode [jcWpProjectStatus] there where the shortcode locate.For using the project-listing you can describe the project with a short
description into a new custom field with name “jcProjectExcerpt” and the
description into the value of them. - How i can show a project-listing of all active projects?
Put the shortcode [jcWpProjects] into the editor of the post, where the
project-listing should be shown. - How i use the sidebar widget?
After you put the widget on any sidebar, you can give them a title and
set the number of shown projects-progressbars on this. If you want to
show all, select “all”. - How i can change the color of the progressbar?
Into the plugin directory are the css-folder, where an excerpt of the jqeryui
CSS of Redmond style located. The used images of the css are located in the
folder images. Change the image images/ui-bg_gloss-wave_55_5c9ccc_500x100.png
with 500 pixel width and 100 pixel height in this color what you want and
replace it in this folder.
Version 1.0.1
- Change the wrong author url
Version 1.0
- Final version of the plugin with all basic functions