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iPhods iTunes Top Products Widget


This plugin is a simple plugin to generate widgets highlighting top mac apps, music, books, ios apps, audiobooks and university courses available on Apple iTunes Store. This is in development, but provides a starting point for experienced developers who want to customize the widget to their needs. At this time, the plugin does not support affiliate links but will in the near future.

Future versions will include a fully documented shortcode, which will allow placement of top products on both posts and pages.

All images and trademarks referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners.


  • Sample widget with “topalbums” feed type (version 8.14)
  • Sample widget with “topmovies” feed type (version 8.14)
  • Sample widgets on frontend of site
  • Sample shortcode in post editor, also showing TinyMCE Shortcode Button



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. Place iphods widget into your desired sidebar
  2. Goto https://rss.itunes.apple.com/us/ and get a feedtype from the url, examples include:

    * topfreeapplications
    * toppaidipadapplications
    * toppaidebooks
  3. Paste this code into the widget box, this will be replaced with a dropdown in future versions


  1. Edit any post or page, add the following shortcode

    [iphods feedtype="topfreeapplications"]
  2. Add any attributes to override their defaults, as needed to get desired output.

    limit [number from 1 to 100]
    genre [see urls generated by https://rss.itunes.apple.com/us/]
    image_size [0,1,2]
    display [grid or list]
    show_price [true or false]

Futher Customizations

This plugin is just a foundation, please modify it and adjust to fit your needs and desires.


  1. Why did I write this plugin?
    I wanted to help others add unique dynamic content easily to their wordpress blog and sidebars.

  2. Why so many updates?
    I’m having fun, adding new features and patching small bugs. I will slow down once I’m happy with the plugin and it does everything I want it to do.




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈iPhods iTunes Top Products Widget〉的開發相關工作。




  • added Changelog to readme.txt
  • added randomization option to core class
  • added screenshots to readme.txt
  • added country default to url generate method


  • added documentation for shortcodes


  • cleaned up php code, removed debugging lines


  • documented shortcode attributes in installation instructions


  • changed load_json from private to public, to use inside of widget class
  • added country drop down to widget


  • changed widget for feed type from input box to select, powered by Apple json data.
  • added button to tinymce editor to create initial shortcode, may move above editor to work with non tinymce editor too
  • added a settings page, to store future additions.
  • added setting to enable a logging function to report site url when plugin is activated or deactivated.
  • added setting for permission to add a backlink after widgets linking back to iPhods.com.


  • added settings to begin to use affiliate commission links in widgets and shortcodes.