這個外掛能以國家/地區或 Proxy 伺服器為篩選條件,封鎖不想讓他存取網站前端 (網站頁面) 或後端 (管理後台區域) 的網站訪客。透過封鎖對特定頁面或整個網站的無效存取,便能輕鬆減少惡意或無效的註冊操作。
- 網站管理員可以封鎖來自多個國家的網站訪客。
- 網站管理員可以依據國家/地區分組 (例如歐盟、亞太地區等) 封鎖網站訪客。
- 網站管理員可以封鎖來自匿名 Proxy 的網站訪客。
- 網站管理員可以依據 IP 位址範圍封鎖網站訪客。
- 網站管理員可以將來自 Google、Bing、Yandex 等的檢索程式納入開放清單,讓這些檢索程式將網站內容納入索引,以便利於進行 SEO。
- 支援 IPv4 及 IPv6。
- 網站訪客存取遭拒時,預設顯示 403 錯誤。
- 網站管理員可以依據需求自訂 403 頁面。
- 如果有人嘗試存取網站管理後台,外掛會傳送電子郵件通知給網站管理員。
- 提供遭到封鎖流量的統計資料報告。
這個外掛支援 IP2Location 二進位資料及可供查詢 IP 位址所屬地理位置的 Web 服務。如果網站想要使用 IP2Location 地理位置二進位資料,網站管理員可以透過外掛設定頁面更新二進位資料。此外,網站管理員也可以使用以下連結手動下載並更新二進位資料檔案。
下載 IP 位址地理位置檔案:
IP2Location 及 IP2Proxy LITE 免費版資料庫
IP2Location 及 IP2Proxy 商業版完整資料庫
如需使用可查詢地理位置的 IP2Location IP 位址地理位置 Web 服務 (REST API),請先在 IP2Location.io IP Geolocation API 註冊可使用免費方案的帳號。
請造訪 https://www.ip2location.com 以進一步了解相關資訊。
使用 WordPress 控制台自動安裝
- 前往 [外掛]→[安裝外掛]。
- 搜尋「IP2Location Country Blocker」。
- 點擊 [立即安裝] 按鈕以安裝外掛。
- 點擊 [啟用] 按鈕以啟用外掛。
- 前往 https://lite.ip2location.com (免費版) 或 https://www.ip2location.com (商業版) 註冊免費下載帳號。
- 在個人帳號頁面取得下載權杖。
- 前往管理後台選單的 [國家/地區封鎖程式] 設定頁面。
- 使用逐步精靈完設定。
- 完成以上步驟後,網站管理員便可以開始使用 IP2Location Country Blocker 封鎖特定網站訪客。
- 將壓縮檔解壓縮所得的
目錄中。 - 在 WordPress 管理後台的 [外掛] 選單中啟用外掛。
- 前往 https://lite.ip2location.com/database/ip-country (免費版) 或 https://www.ip2location.com/databases/db1-ip-country (商業版) 下載 IP2Location 資料庫。
- 前往 https://lite.ip2location.com/database/px1-ip-country (免費版) 或 https://www.ip2location.com/databases/px1-ip-country (商業版) 下載 IP2Proxy 資料庫。
- 將 .BIN 檔案解壓縮並上傳至
目錄中。 - 如果已在 https://www.ip2location.com/web-service 購買 IP2Location 服務,請在 [設定] 分頁插入 API 金鑰。
- 如果已在 https://www.ip2location.com/ip2proxy-web-service 購買 IP2Proxy Web 服務,請在 [設定] 分頁插入 API 金鑰。
- 完成以上步驟後,網站管理員便可以開始使用 IP2Location Country Blocker 封鎖特定網站訪客。
注意事項:這個外掛需要 PHP 5.4 或更新版本。
- 如果網站使用 IP2Location LITE 資料庫,請依照這份指南將相關內容加入網站。
是。請從 https://lite.ip2location.com/database/ip-country 下載最新的 DB1 二進位檔案以進行快速測試。
網站管理員可以在 https://lite.ip2location.com 下載免費 LITE 版資料或在 https://www.ip2location.com 下載商業版資料。下載的二進位檔案解壓縮後,請上傳至
。 -
建議網站管理員每個月更新二進位檔案,讓這個外掛能使用最新的 IP 位址地理位置資訊。資料更新通常會在每個月的第一週準備就緒。
網站後端就是 WordPress 管理後台頁面。
網站是否能顯示 403 頁面給使用遭到封鎖的 IP 位址的網站訪客?
是,網站可以使用這個外掛提供的預設 403 頁面。
是,網站管理員可以建立包含顯示錯誤訊息的全新設計頁面,完成後便可將這個新頁面設定為 [私密] 頁面,並在外掛設定頁面將原有的頁面重新導向至新頁面。
這個外掛是否能與快取外掛 (如 W3 Total Cache) 同時使用?
請造訪 https://www.locabrowser.com (針對 Proxy/VPN 服務) 以測試地理位置資訊的結果。
請將電子郵件傳送至 support@ip2location.com 與我們聯絡。
- 2.38.7 Fixed link in default 403 page design.
- 2.38.6 Updated default 403 page design.
- 2.38.5 Updated default 403 page design.
- 2.38.4 Fixed vulnerability in restore.
- 2.38.3 Improved external calls error handling.
- 2.38.2 Fixed Javascript selector.
- 2.38.1 Able to detect more cache plugins.
- 2.38.0 Added more crawlers into the list and some improvements.
- 2.37.2 Clean up all options after uninstall.
- 2.37.1 Tested up to WordPress 6.7.
- 2.37.0 Added emergency stop action when secret code is provided.
- 2.36.2 Minor update.
- 2.36.1 Fixed JavaScript conflict on setup wizard.
- 2.36.0 Added feature to override real IP header.
- 2.35.1 Tested up to WordPress 6.6.
- 2.35.0 Added backup/restore feature.
- 2.34.8 Fixed precision warnings.
- 2.34.7 Fixed CIDR matching in IPv6.
- 2.34.6 Tested up to WordPress 6.5.1.
- 2.34.5 Removed BIN database warning if Web service is used.
- 2.34.4 Fixed CSRF issues.
- 2.34.3 Fixed CSRF replace on API key value.
- 2.34.2 Fixed decompress issue in Linux environment.
- 2.34.1 Fixed SQL statement error.
- 2.34.0 Updated setup wizard to include IP2Location.io Geolocation API service.
- 2.33.7 Fixed value returned by get_current_url function.
- 2.33.6 Fixed deprecated warning messages in PHP 8.
- 2.33.5 Fixed undefined constants.
- 2.33.4 Added a private key to protect debug log.
- 2.33.3 Randomize debug log to protect unwanted access.
- 2.33.2 Tested up to WordPress 6.4.1.
- 2.33.1 Fixed string casting in PHP 8.x.
- 2.33.0 Enabled pasting multiple IP addresses in blacklist/whitelist. Minor bugs fixed.
- 2.32.4 Fixed undefined constant error.
- 2.32.3 Fixed the proxy lookup issue when using IP2Location.io.
- 2.32.2 Fixed database download issue for some users.
- 2.32.1 Improved IP matching for IPv6.
- 2.32.0 Added button to reset auto blacklist log.
- 2.31.0 Added IP detection for website behind Securi firewall.
- 2.30.2 Fixed CIDR function error.
- 2.30.1 Improved accuracy of IP detection with CloudFlare.
- 2.30.0 Improved IP detection for reverse proxy and CloudFlare services.
- 2.29.2 Stop obtain client IP from custom header to prevent IP spoofing.
- 2.29.1 Updated documentation and UI tweaks.
- 2.28.9 Fixed undefined array key warning.
- 2.28.8 Tested up to WordPress 6.2.
- 2.28.7 Improve I18N Issues. (Credit: Alex Lion)
- 2.28.6 Added source field into API web service.
- 2.28.5 Updated to use IP2Location.io IP Geolocation API.
- 2.28.4 Fixed error when running in wpcron.
- 2.28.3 Updated “Requires at least” information.
- 2.28.2 Tested up to WordPress 6.1.
- 2.28.1 Prevent email notification when a blacklisted IP is blocked.
- 2.28.0 Included automatic blacklist on frontend.
- 2.27.1 Fixed typo.
- 2.27.0 Added CIDR format supports in whitelist/blacklist. Added automatic blacklist when exceeding threshold.
- 2.26.16 Added sorting in whitelist & blacklist. Fixed minor bugs.
- 2.26.15 Fixed whitelist/blacklist get wiped out when inserting a reserved IP address.
- 2.26.14 Tested up to WordPress 6.0.
- 2.26.13 Fixed cache warning message.
- 2.26.12 Fixed local cache storage issue.
- 2.26.11 Further improve plugin security level.
- 2.26.10 Migrated remote CDN scripts to host locally.
- 2.26.9 Fixed XSS reported in https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/50709
- 2.26.8 Sanitized inputs to increase security level.
- 2.26.7 Tested up to WordPress 5.9.
- 2.26.6 Improved security against CSRF by adding nonces.
- 2.26.5 Fixed security issues with CSRF.
- 2.26.4 Removed missing Javascript.
- 2.26.3 Updated default blocking template.
- 2.26.2 Fixed header warnings.
- 2.26.1 Fixed IP2Proxy database download.
- 2.26.0 Performance tuning and code fixes.
- 2.25.16 Fixed administrator notice keep showing after dismissed.
- 2.25.15 Fixed setup issue for commercial database.
- 2.25.14 Fixed incorrect country detected when proxy database enabled.
- 2.25.13 Fixed library for backward compatibilities.
- 2.25.12 Updated EU countries list.
- 2.25.11 Fixed whitespace issue in Ajax callings.
- 2.25.10 Use PX2 database as default for proxy lookup.
- 2.25.9 Fixed file permission issues for some users.
- 2.25.8 Improved manually uploaded BIN database detection.
- 2.25.7 Removed memory restriction on IP2Proxy database download.
- 2.25.6 Fixed missing default value on activate.
- 2.25.5 Fixed IP2Proxy library to support PHP 7.0 and below.
- 2.25.4 Prevent web browser from caching plugin scripts.
- 2.25.3 Added bcmath extension checking during setup.
- 2.25.2 Fixed setup guide issues due to memory limit when downloading IP2Proxy database.
- 2.25.1 Fixed download issues for LITE users.
- 2.25.0 Improved UI and added setup guide for new user.
- 2.24.1 Tested up to WordPress 5.6.
- 2.24.0 Added tour guide for new user.
- 2.23.1 Updated IP2Location library to support earlier version of PHP.
- 2.23.0 Updated file structures to use composer for IP2Location libraries.
- 2.22.1 Minor UI update.
- 2.22.0 Added support for blocking using proxy type.
- 2.21.2 Fixed deactivation issue when conflicting with other plugins.
- 2.21.1 Tested with WordPress 5.5.
- 2.21.0 Added URL in email notification.
- 2.20.2 Fixed warning when IP2Proxy database is not in use.
- 2.20.1 Updated IP2Location library to support older PHP version.
- 2.20.0 Implemented internal cache and fixed several bugs.
- 2.19.21 Cleaned up codes and sanitized user inputs.
- 2.19.20 Fixed variable error.
- 2.19.19 Added attribution instructions.
- 2.19.18 Fixed deactivation issue.
- 2.19.17 Fixed version issue.
- 2.19.16 Updated readme.txt.
- 2.19.15 Tested with WordPress 5.4.
- 2.19.14 Fixed pop out reminder not hiding.
- 2.19.13 Fixed notification email recipient not saving.
- 2.19.12 Increased timeout in BIN download.
- 2.19.11 Improved UI.
- 2.19.10 Fixed typo.
- 2.19.9 Minor fixes.
- 2.19.8 Added feedback request.
- 2.19.7 Tested with WordPress 5.3.2.
- 2.19.6 Prevented empty API key submission in settings page.
- 2.19.5 Updated IP2Location library to 8.1.0.
- 2.19.4 Fixed backend page detection.
- 2.19.3 Fixed infinite redirection when using custom page.
- 2.19.2 Removed debug message.
- 2.19.1 Minor bugs fixed.
- 2.19.0 Multiple features enhanced.
- 2.18.1 Fixed minor bugs.
- 2.18.0 Added support for dynamic admin page.
- 2.17.6 Added FeedBurner into bot list.
- 2.17.5 Bug fixes.
- 2.17.4 Updated manual upload instructions.
- 2.17.3 Fixed issue download token not saved.
- 2.17.2 Fixed IP2Location BIN database not downloading.
- 2.17.1 Fixed BIN database download issues.
- 2.17.0 Migrated BIN database directory to WordPress upload directory to prevent BIN files get deleted during updates. Grouped same visitor in debugging log.
- 2.16.0 Fixed country grouping issues.
- 2.15.3 Updated documentation links.
- 2.15.2 Tested up to WordPress 5.1.1.
- 2.15.1 Fixed IP2Location API check credit interface.
- 2.15.0 Upgraded IP2Location API to v2. Added additional checks for log table.
- 2.14.6 Fixed database file detection in both Windows and Linux environment.
- 2.14.5 Abort blocking when IP2Location database is missing or corrupted to prevent administrator get locked.
- 2.14.4 BIN database no longer shipped together to prevent local copy being overwritten. Prevented IP2Location & IP2Proxy database removing each other during a database update.
- 2.14.3 Tested with WordPress 5.0.1.
- 2.14.2 Fixed IP detection when server forwarded wrong IP address.
- 2.14.1 Updated country list based on latest ISO-3166 standards.
- 2.14.0 Added country grouping to block several countries at once.
- 2.13.2 Fixed database update issue.
- 2.13.1 Minor bug fixed.
- 2.13.0 Added option to enable/disable forwarder IP.
- 2.12.0 Added option to purge all logs.
- 2.11.3 Ignored Facebook crawler.
- 2.11.2 Removed Facebook from bot list.
- 2.11.1 Fixed charts display error.
- 2.11.0 Added debug log.
- 2.10.4 Fixed custom blocking not working.
- 2.10.3 Minor bug fixed.
- 2.10.2 Fixed syntax issues when using on older version of PHP.
- 2.10.1 Minor changes.
- 2.10.0 IP2Location database update changed to use download token.
- 2.9.2 Fix minor bugs.
- 2.9.1 Separated IP2Proxy as an optional service.
- 2.9.0 Added proxy detection using IP2Proxy.
- 2.8.8 Minor changes.
- 2.8.7 Minor update.
- 2.8.6 Added Serbia in the country list.
- 2.8.5 Only administrators will be listed in notification email list.
- 2.8.4 Fixed warnings message when there is no data in statistic charts.
- 2.8.3 Fixed charts alignment issues when viewing with smaller screen.
- 2.8.2 Separated charts into frontend and backend.
- 2.8.1 Fixed notice dismiss issue.
- 2.8.0 Allow custom bots/crawlers to bypass. Supports wildcard IP address blocking.
- 2.7.5 Fixed empty country name in statistic charts.
- 2.7.4 Added bots detection.
- 2.7.3 Fixed bug in logging. Updated IP2Location database.
- 2.7.2 Fixed empty country information in notification email.
- 2.7.1 Skip blocking if user logged in as administrator.
- 2.7.0 Added feature to whitelist or blacklist IP. Also option to skip blocking for logged in users.
- 2.6.7 Fixed ban list cannot be empty.
- 2.6.6 Bugs fixed.
- 2.6.5 Improved Javascript performance.
- 2.6.4 Fixed Javascript conflicts with other plugins.
- 2.6.3 Fixed typo error.
- 2.6.2 Minor bug fixed.
- 2.6.1 Fixed upgrade script.
- 2.6.0 Various changes for better user experience and performance.
- 2.5.3 Fixed conflicts when multiple IP2Location plugins installed.
- 2.5.2 Fixed Web service lookup issue.
- 2.5.1 Fixed setting page issue.
- 2.5.0 Use IP2Location PHP 8.0.2 library for lookup.
- 2.4.5 Use latest IP2Location library for lookup.
- 2.4.4 Fixed close sticky information panel issue.
- 2.4.3 Fixed uninstall function.
- 2.4.2 Prevent settings lost when deactivate/activate the plugin.
- 2.4.1 Use latest IP2Location library for lookup and updated the setting page.
- 2.4.0 Added option to disable log.
- 2.3.9 Reverted changes to support older PHP version.
- 2.3.8 Fixed warning message in WordPress 4.3.
- 2.3.7 Fixed compatible issue with PHP 5.3 and earlier.
- 2.3.6 Fixed compatible issue with PHP 5.3.
- 2.3.5 Fixed issue when upgrading from previous version.
- 2.3.4 Use latest IP2Location library for lookup.
- 2.3.3 Fixed redirect issue with iOS devices.
- 2.3.2 Fixed security issues for backend blocking.
- 2.3.10 Tested with WordPress 4.4.
- 2.3.1 Minor bug fixed.
- 2.3.0 Fixed layout issue. Added warning if blocking own country.
- 2.2.5 Fixed issue with secret code to by pass blocking.
- 2.2.4 Fixed issue with Query IP. Prevent admin from blocking themselves in admin area.
- 2.2.2 Fixed session issues.
- 2.2.2 Fixed blocking failed in backend area.
- 2.2.0 Added IP2Location web service support. Minor layout changes, and code behind rewrote.
- 2.1.0 Added statistic to log blocked traffics.
- 2.0.3 Fixed redirection issue that may not work if additional header information defined by other plugins.
- 2.0.2 Updated redirection using javascript to rectify the not working issues reported under certain circumstances
- 2.0.1 Fixed crash issue with other IP2Location plugins.
- 2.0.0 Added IPv6 supports.
- 1.9.2 Emergency bug fix.
- 1.9.1 Fixed performance issues.
- 1.9.0 Added logic to verify if the default old sample bin used for checking.
- 1.8.0 Fixed the country display issue: South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands
- 1.7.0 Fixed download script errors.
- 1.6.0 Added user details in the email alert message.
- 1.5.0 Support secret code to bypass backend validation.
- 1.4.0 Send email notification if an user from blocked countries was trying to access your backend page.
- 1.3.0 Move the configuration page to settings, to alleviate the confusion of setting page location.
- 1.2.0 Allow user to custom their own error page.
- 1.1.0 Added dropdown selection for product code.