這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

hockeydata LOS


This plugin provides WordPress widgets to implement the available statistics widgets of hockeydata Live.Online Statistics API, like standings, schedule or top scorers. All of these widgets start with “hockeydata LOS”.

To implement a widget, e.g. the schedule, on a WordPress page, you need to install a WordPress plugin (e.g. Page Builder by SiteOrigin) which allows adding WordPress widgets on simple pages. Alternatevely, you may also use shortcodes.


All hockeydata LOS widgets can also be implemented with shortcodes:

[hd-los-game-full-report]       = hockeydata.los.Game.FullReport
[hd-los-game-slider]            = hockeydata.los.GameSlider
[hd-los-game-ticker]            = hockeydata.los.GameTicker
[hd-los-knockout-stage]         = hockeydata.los.KnockoutStage
[hd-los-knockout-stage-compact] = hockeydata.los.KnockoutStage.Compact
[hd-los-leaders]                = hockeydata.los.Leaders
[hd-los-live-games]             = hockeydata.los.LiveGames
[hd-los-player-full-page]       = hockeydata.los.Player.FullPage
[hd-los-players]                = hockeydata.los.Players
[hd-los-schedule]               = hockeydata.los.Schedule
[hd-los-standings]              = hockeydata.los.Standings
[hd-los-team-full-page]         = hockeydata.los.Team.FullPage
[hd-los-team-stats]             = hockeydata.los.TeamStats

All widgets options must be provided in lower case with hyphens, not as defined in the JavaScript API in CamelCase format. E.g. division-id instead of divisionId. More examples:

additional-columns › additionalColumns
column-set         › columnSet
show-legend        › showLegend

Shortcode example:

[hd-los-schedule division-id=ebel-gd]

Upgrade Notices

If you upgrade from a version lower than 1.2.0 please

  1. Check the settings in Settings > hockeydata LOS.
  2. Replace widgets and shortcodes.
  3. Check all widget links (rowLink, playerLink, etc.).

Ad 2.: In version 1.2.0 we had to add the prefixes hd- and hd_ to the shortcodes and widget id’s, respectively. Unfortunately, all of your widgets you implemented prior to version 1.2.0 won’t work anymore. But there’s a silver lining:

You can use a plugin to replace all old shortcodes and widgets at once. Here is an example of how to do this with “Better Search Replace”:

  1. Install and activate the plugin “Better Search Replace” (go to Plugins › Add New and search for “Better Search Replace” or download from https://wordpress.org/plugins/better-search-replace/).
  2. Go to Tools › Better Search Replace
  3. Replace the following strings (do not activate the option “Case-Insensitive?”):

Important: before replacing, please back up your database and files.

Search for                      Replace with

[los-game-full-report           [hd-los-game-full-report
[los-game-slider                [hd-los-game-slider
[los-leaders                    [hd-los-leaders
[los-player-full-page           [hd-los-player-full-page
[los-schedule                   [hd-los-schedule
[los-standings                  [hd-los-standings
[los-team-full-page             [hd-los-team-full-page
[los-team-stats                 [hd-los-team-stats
los_widget_game_full_report     hd_los_widget_game_full_report
los_widget_game_slider          hd_los_widget_game_slider
los_widget_leaders              hd_los_widget_leaders
los_widget_player_full_page     hd_los_widget_player_full_page
los_widget_schedule             hd_los_widget_schedule
los_widget_standings            hd_los_widget_standings
los_widget_team_full_page       hd_los_widget_team_full_page
los_widget_team_stats           hd_los_widget_team_stats
LOS_Widget_GameFullReport       HD_LOS_Widget_GameFullReport
LOS_Widget_GameSlider           HD_LOS_Widget_GameSlider
LOS_Widget_Leaders              HD_LOS_Widget_Leaders
LOS_Widget_PlayerFullPage       HD_LOS_Widget_PlayerFullPage
LOS_Widget_Schedule             HD_LOS_Widget_Schedule
LOS_Widget_Standings            HD_LOS_Widget_Standings
LOS_Widget_TeamFullPage         HD_LOS_Widget_TeamFullPage
LOS_Widget_TeamStats            HD_LOS_Widget_TeamStats

Of course you only need to replace strings containing the shortcodes and widgets you’re using. After you’re done replacing you can remove the plugin.


  • General settings
  • Division management
  • Styling options


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/hockeydata-los directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Use the Settings › hockeydata LOS screen to configure the plugin.


How can I add widgets to posts and pages?

You can either use shortcodes or a page builder plugin like Page Builder by SiteOrigin which allows you to add WordPress widgets to your posts and pages.




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈hockeydata LOS〉的開發相關工作。


〈hockeydata LOS〉外掛目前已有 1 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈hockeydata LOS〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • PHP 7.4 compatibility


  • Fixed a bug where permalinks with ? in the URL broke the widget URL’s


  • Implemented widget option “teamName” in [hd-los-schedule] shortcode as “team-name”
  • Support for Elementor Page Builder


  • Minor bug fix to set correct widget language
  • Added widget and shortcode option “Calculate Total Score” to Knockout Stage widget


  • New widgets: Game Ticker, Knockout Stage, Knockout Stage Compact, Live Games and Players
  • More widget options
  • Division aliases to easily manage your divisions
  • New template “Soda”
  • Add additional widget options
  • Automatically created Divisions Pickers