This plugin will help to show Facebook photos or Facebook album on your WordPress website.
You can insert the Facebook Album or Photo in any page/post or even in PHP code using plugin shortcode.
- Album: [hmakfbalbum id=12345] – 12345 is a Facebook album ID
- Photo: [hmakfbphoto id=54321] – 54321 is a Facebook photo ID
Also a command button on editor help you easier to insert shortcode.
- Upload ‘HMAK-Facebook-Photos’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Find the newly added ‘Hura Apps Photos’ Admin menu. Start there.
How to retrieve Facebook Token?
- Go to https://fb.anhkiet.info.
- Click onto Login with Facebook button.
- Login into your Facebook account.
- Click Continue as… to install Anh Kiet Solutions app into your Facebook.
- Choose the page you want to retrieve photos and click Next button.
- Turn on the Manage your Pages option and click Done button.
- Click OK to generate your token.
- Your Facebook token will appear in next page.
How to find a Facebook album ID?
Navigate to your photo album on Facebook. Then you can find the album ID in your browser’s address bar.
Eg: https://www.facebook.com/pg/mangbinhdinh.info/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1091121734251598 – The album ID is 1091121734251598
How to find a Facebook photo ID?
Navigate to your photo on Facebook. Then you can find the photo ID in your browser’s address bar.
Eg: https://www.facebook.com/mangbinhdinh.info/photos/a.1091121734251598.1073741850.344612895569156/1091121894251582/?type=3&theater – The album ID is 1091121894251582
How to insert Facebook Album/Photo into a post/page?
You can insert the Facebook Album or Photo in any page/post or even in PHP code using plugin shortcode.
- Album: [hmakfbalbum id=12345] – 12345 is a Facebook album ID
- Photo: [hmakfbphoto id=54321] – 54321 is a Facebook photo ID
Also a command button on editor help you easier to insert shortcode.
I found an issue. How do I report it?
If you found any issue, please let me know by send email to me at huynhmaianhkiet@gmail.com.
v1.01: Adding lightbox option for image
v1.02: Fixed some issues
v1.1: Fixed some issues
v1.2: Changed name of plugin
v1.3: Fixed some issues and optimize code
v1.3.1: Up max images per album to 100, auto update photo in album after every 1 hour
v1.3.2: Fixed issue webp images don’t appear on Safari
v1.3.3: Fixed issue “URL signature expired”
v1.3.4: Fixed issue webp images don’t appear on iOS
v1.3.4: Removed redundant codes