Hide and Show Admin Bar


A very simple and minimal plugin to hide the admin bar and only show it on pages with keyboard shortcut ctrl+alt+s. That’s all you need to do.

You can use this plugin to resolve the problem when CDN is caching your admin bar for non logged in users.

In other words if you are using CDN to cache your pages and non logged in users see wordpress admin bar you should give this plugin a try. It will resolve your problem to only show admin bar when you need it.

Plese leave your comment for up coming feature suggestions for this plugin.

Arbitrary section

Let me know in the comment section about any feature you would like to see next in this plugin.

A brief Markdown Example

  • Hide Admin Bar by default on all pages and for all user types.
  • To view Admin Bar on any page just press ctrl+alt+s or cmd+alt+s for Mac users. Or write ?show=true after the url.


  • This is first screenshot
  • This is second screenshot


1: Install this plugin by either uploading this folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory or installing from wordpress plugin search and install.
2: You are all set to go, your admin bar is now hidden.
3: To view the admin bar on specific pages just use this keyboard shortcut ctrl+alt+s or cmd+alt+s for Mac users.


Is there any configuration for this plugin?

No, this is a very simple plugin and you do not need any configuration for it. Just install it and you are ready to go.


2021 年 8 月 9 日 1 則留言
Great plugin Doesn’t interfere with the menu Activated only when needed
閱讀全部 2 則使用者評論


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*Minor Fixes to plugin functionality


  • A change since the previous version.
  • Another change.


  • List versions from most recent at top to oldest at bottom.