這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Google Shared Contents


Plugin allows you to publish your shared contents which you shared
with your ‘Google Reader’ account, by using your ‘Google ID’.

Just feel free to develope this plugin yourself.
For more information you can contact with me:

URL: www.samkon.org
mail: guardian@samkon.org


* You may want to use the plugin on more than one area on your site. So you may want to have different content count number for different areas on your site. You can use the count number you want instead of “defined” expression seen above. For example if you want to display last 5 shared contents you can use the function seen below:

<?php if (function_exists('load_google_sharings')): ?>
<?php load_google_sharings('5'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

In this way plugin will skip the default count number you typed in your control panel and use the expression you give in function.


The most important thing: You can get trouble with PHP 4 versions. Plugin may not work. This site runs on a PHP 4 server and a reason that I couldn’t solve yet causes fail. I will give more information about that when I try it on different PHP 4 servers. Also If you try and tell me the result I will be glad.

Plugin uses SimpleXML libraries that is supported by PHP 5. Nothing went wrong with it yet.


  • Noting something from a webpage to google reader.


  • download google-sharings.zip file and unzip it. Than put the unziped folder into “wp-content/plugins/” folder.

    • activate the plugin from your WP control panel.
    • Type your Google ID and the content count number will be displayed on your site by clicking “Options“, than “Google Sharings” from your control panel.
    • than modify your theme’s any file (depending on your choose where to display it) you want by adding function given below:


What are the requirements for this Plugin?

You just need a Google ID (account). If you don’t know what your Google ID is:

Login to your Google Reader acount and click “shared items” on left sidebar. Than you will see a link that has a path to contents you shared before as below:


The equivalent data in path you get to bolded data above is your Google ID.

How can I have a button to directly share some content from webpages with Google Reader

Login to your Google Reader acount and click “Notes” on left sidebar. Than you can drag and drop the sampled buton to any area you want on your browser. Or you can manually create a button has a location as below (pleace remove the line spaces):





以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Google Shared Contents〉的開發相關工作。


將〈Google Shared Contents〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


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