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Glass It Price Tracker


Official website: Glass It Price Tracker

Import WooCommerce store products either all at once, or by category to your Glass It account for price monitoring & avaibility tracking.

Glass It Price tracker monitors online products for price history and out of stock availability. Once your items have been imported successfully and approved for price tracking, add competitor products! Download Excel reports using the dashboard in Glass It, where you can create your own self-serve widgets to keep track of product pricing data relevant for your business needs. If you need fine grain access, setup a Webhook API URL in your Glass It account to receive system event updates from Glass It the moment they occur. Price tracking has never been this easy and now you can save time and forget the dull tasks and focus on core pricing analysis. Your competition is doing it!

A separate Glass It account is required to use this plugin and monitor your products.

Price monitoring is setup and managed by Web Engineers. Monitoring service continues without Web Engineering support included after the free trial ends using off-site systems from Glass It LLC. Additional Web Engineering support time can be requested at any time.

Web Engineering support benefits may spill over in some cases. Monitoring accuracy depends on Glass It\’s Web Engineers (not AI or machine learning) because there is no affiliation with the source(s) being monitored. Glass It LLC handles common tracking and monitoring issues such as websites which block tracking with captcha puzzles and other methods.

Glass It Price Tracker is available in:

For more information about Glass It LLC services, please see https://glassit.co/competition-price-tracking


  • Glass It options page added in administration section.
  • Oversee item monitoring using a simple but powerful dashboard.


  1. Upload the plugin to your WordPress powered website plugin directory.
  2. In the admin menu, go to the Plugins screen and activate Glass It Price Tracker.
  3. If installation was successful, a new option is added to your WordPress admin screen: Settings -> Glass It Options.
  4. See Glass It Options in your admin menu to import items for monitoring.


See help/index.html for additional help and a quick start guide.
See https://glassit.co/#aboutUs for our FAQ.


2022 年 10 月 5 日
Glassit.co – get free price tracking notifications when the items you want drop in price : hundreds of websites available to track. I like the extension, it’s a great extension to the website. Create your account today to try glassit.co/?refCode=1662891451
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Version 1.0:
Initial Release

Version 1.0.3:
Bug fixes. Added a note about browser support in the help guide.

Version 1.0.4:
Added store white-listing instructions required for bulk import

Version 1.0.5:
Removed white-listing requirement. Use logged in WordPress user email for Glass It account creation if user agrees.