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Formidable Forms Modal


Formidable Forms Popup allows you to show any Formidable Forms in Modal/Popup.
You can create beautiful popups with live preview in customizer.
It allows you add add content before & after the form in popup.
Popup can be triggered by click or can be opened on page load using the shortocde.

* Option to set Overlay color
* Option to set Overlay opacity
* Option to set Popup Container opacity
* Option to set Popup Container background color
* Option to set Popup Container Padding
* Option to set Popup Container Border
* Option to set Popup Container Rounded Corners
* Option to set Popup Container Width
* Option to set Popup Container Height

How to use it?

  • Download and unzip the plugin
  • Upload the entire formidable-forms-modal/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  • Create New Modal from Formidable Modal menu in admin sidebar
  • Select & save the Formidable Form you want to open in modal.
  • Use the shortcode to add it on page.

Checkout our other plugins
* Gravity Forms Sendy Addon
Add user to Sendy using Gravity Forms.
* Views for Contact Form 7
Display Contact Form 7 Submisions anywhere on your site in table or list view
* Views for WPForms
Display WPForms Entries anywhere on your site in table or list view
* Views for Ninja Forms
Display Ninja Forms Submisions anywhere on your site in table or list view
* Popup Addon for Ninja Forms
Display Ninja Forms in beautiful popups.
* Ninja Forms Paypal Standard
Take payments using Paypal Standard in your Ninja Forms
* Ninja Forms GetResponse Addon
Add user to GetResponse using Ninja Forms.
* Ninja Forms iContact Addon
Add user to iContact using Ninja Forms.
* Ninja Forms Sendy Addon
Add user to Sendy using Ninja Forms.


To install Formidable Forms Modal, follow these steps:

  • Download and unzip the plugin
  • Upload the entire formidable-forms-modal/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress


How to use it?

Install it and edit/create a new Formidable Modal. Select the Formidable Form which you would like to show inside modal.
Save the settings & then design the modal.
Add the shortocde to Page where you want to show modal.


2021 年 4 月 27 日
Opens Formidable Forms in Popup for me. Very Easy instructions. Would be great if Edit links of forms could also be opened in popups. Thanks.
閱讀全部 1 則使用者評論


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