這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Fixed Circular Navigation Menu


  • A fixed fancy navigation for your wordpress website. Perfect as an extra menu, or mobile auxiliar navigation, or to attract visitors to click those links.
  • Circular shaped with an appealing and modern look that opens when menu button is clicked. Works in modern browsers, both desktop and mobile (it was designed mobile-first).
  • Fully customizable through backend option panel: colors, sizes, icons, position, links, and much more. Visit official website to check feature list and view some demos and examples.
  • It was inspired by a codrops article, and now it has been fully developed to work in every modern browser and mobile devices.
  • Get it, install it in your wordpress backend and become different than the rest.

There is a free version and a pro version.

Feature list (both free and pro):

  • Fancy menu for your WordPress site.
  • Mobile-first developed and tested
  • Fully responsive for laptop and desktop big screens.
  • Light non-heavy scripted addition for your front-end site.
  • Fixed at bottom.
  • Choose from 12 built-in color schemes (inlcuding a transparent one),
  • Static text for the menu button
  • Set menu button color and color on hover
  • Set and play with relative sizes for icons and text so you can fit elements or try different menu experiences.
  • Each navigation element is fully customizable:
  • Set title attribute, icon or not, text or not, URL link or link to a WP post or link to a WP page and open in a new tab or not
  • Choose from more than 400 icons from the famous FontAwesome icon toolkit (already included)
  • Drag & drop to reorder navigations elements.
  • Translation ready and already translated to Spanish (languages files included)
  • WP Multisite compatible
  • Tested and compatible in all major modern browsers and mobile browsers.
  • Question & Answers forum available.

Visit some demos and examples in the official site and compare features or ask in the Q&A forum.

Feature list (Only Pro version):

  • Highly customizable:
  • 4 fixed positions: bottom, left, top, right.
  • Build your own color scheme for navigation elements.
  • 4 built-in styles for the menu button that opens the menu:
  • text & symbol (+ and -), only text , only symbol (+ and -) or a standard navigation icon.
  • Or upload and use you custom icon/image for the menu button
  • Or use any FontAwesome icon for the button
  • You can set the text for the menu button
  • Choose colors for icons and texts
  • More relative sizes for your icons and texts, from tiny to huge.
  • Set and use a custom uploaded icon/image for navigation elements
  • Show the menu depending on screen size:
  • For all screens, only less than 768px (smartphones and small tablets) or more than 768px (common tablets, laptops and beyond).
  • Access Control Logic for users depending on their role:
  • Show menu to selected WP user roles or custom user roles.
  • Priority customer support
  • Free lifetime updates

Customization services are available on request.


  • Social menu fixed at the right
  • Only smartphones menu at the bottom
  • Language switcher at the right
  • Music App menu at the bottom
  • Only text elements at the top, custom colors
  • Transparent navigation fixed at the left
  • Heavy populated in only medium to big screens at he left
  • Extravagant colors, only 3 elements, at the bottom


Using The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the \’Add New\’ in the plugins dashboard
  2. Search for \’fixed circular navigation menu\’
  3. Select it and click \’Install Now\’
  4. Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard

Uploading in WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the \’Add New\’ in the plugins dashboard
  2. Navigate to the \’Upload\’ area
  3. Select fixed-circular-navigation-menu.zip from your computer
  4. Click \’Install Now\’
  5. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Download fixed-circular-navigation-menu.zip
  2. Extract the fixed-circular-navigation-menu directory to your computer
  3. Upload the fixed-circular-navigation-menu directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard


How many elements can I setup for the navigation?

Between 2 and 8. (With more the navigation design and its overall structure becomes compromised).

Is it translation ready?

Yes, it is, and in addition it also comes with Spanish language files already translated

Is it multisite compatible?

Yes, it is.

What kind of icons can I use?

You can choose from more than 400 icons from the famous Fontawesome toolkit latest version (already integrated with the plugin).
And in the pro version of the plugin you can upload your own custom icons/images to be used inside navigation elements.

Looking for answers about the plugin?

Visit Q&A forum in offical site

Main differences between free and pro version?

In both versions you got a fixed fancy menu for your WP site. But in free version customizable options are quite limited, while in pro version you can end up with a more customized menu (check feature list for differences). Moreover, with pro version you will get priority support and we will take your feature requests above the others in the future updates to-do list.


2016 年 9 月 3 日
This had the prospect of being a really good plugin, but as it only allows 1 position in the free version, at the bottom of the screen, it’s unusable. I’m not sure if this is even still being supported, but that inflexibility of position makes it impossible for most designers as it interferes with footers and may even not be seen!
閱讀全部 6 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Fixed Circular Navigation Menu〉的開發相關工作。


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  • Fix: quick patch so PHP 5.2 hosting users no longer get an error regarding array_replace_recursive() function, which is only available in PHP>=5.3


  • Please, after upgrading, you must go to circular navigation option panel and click save changes.
  • Tweak: added some padding/margin for first and last element so they are not as close to the edge of the screen
  • Fix/new feature: fixed hidden element messing things up when setting ‘no icon’ and ‘no text’ for a navigation element. Now, with those settings you end up having a blank useful separator.
  • Tweak: improved orientation of elements for fixed position at left or right, in such a way that icons and texts are better faced to the user. (left and right positions are only in pro version)
  • New Feature: you can upload and use your own custom icons/images inside navigation elements. (pro version)
  • New Feature: you can upload and use your own custom icon/image inside the menu button. (pro version)
  • New Feature: you can use any FontAwesome icon inside the menu button. (pro version)
  • Minor fixes: some fixes when saving options in the admin panel regarding minor warnings about undefined variables.


  • First release