Feed Importer for Micro.blog fetches an RSS feed for Micro.blog and publishes entries to your WordPress site as a stand-alone post (status). In order to use this plugin, a valid username and a Micro.blog Feed is required.
- Multiple accounts import.
- Frequency settings for feed imports.
- Import the full text and images from Micro.blog rss feed content.
- Set number of posts and category per feed.
- Assign author to imported content.
- Simple template for formatting imported content.
- Option to edit titles for short entries. By default formatted date of the publication is used.
- If enabled, imported images are formated into WordPress Galleries. (Enable- Download and save images locally.)
- Imported content without a title is published as a Status (type of a Post). Longer content (with title) will be imported as normal posts.
- Upload the files to the
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Set up which feeds to import and when!
- Installation Instructions
- Upload the files to the
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Set up which feeds to import and when!
- Upload the files to the
2018 年 4 月 17 日
1 則留言
I do wish I could configure the title (micro.blog-entry is a little generic for me) but, the plugin works like a charm and is quite simple to configure. Nice job! Thanks.
2018 年 1 月 11 日
Easy to adjust settings and the interface is clean and clear to understand.
Would be good to be able to remove the empty image placeholder and ‘posted on micro.blog’ text. Otherwise I really like this plugin, easiest indieweb plugin that I’ve tried to use.
Version 1.1.5
- Fixed a bug related to post lenght type.
Version 1.1.4
- Big code cleanup.
- Less bugs and stability improvements.
- I disabled a few options related to SEO.
- Option to better manage short post titles.
- New logo.
- Update for websites using HTTPS protocol.
- I cleaned up some of the descriptions for MBFI functions.
- Probably introduced a few minor bugs ()
Version 1.0.0
- Option to add custom title for Micro.blog entries without a title.
- Option to import only Long, Short, All entries
- Option to filter entries with keywords or regular expressions.
- Option to clean WordPress cache to re-import Micro blog posts
Version 0.9.0
- Gallery formatting for multiple images
- Better handling for content with no titles (Status) and with titles (normal posts).
- Fixed url for ratings.
- Various small bug fixes.
Version 0.0.2
- Fixed crash related to missing titles
- Added new assets for the plugin.
Version 0.0.1
- RSS reader ported from https://github.com/wp-plugins/rss-post-importer/