這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Escape Rooms


Escape Room Booking plugin for wordpress. Made for those Escape Room companies that want to list several rooms they have to their customers and finalize a booking. Features:
1. Unlimeted number of rooms
2. Customization of each room with the details and specific hours and duration the room is available
3. Booking form


  • List of Escape Rooms
  • Details screen of a Escape Room
  • Booking Form for a specific escape room


To install the plugin please follow the following steps. If you have any problems, we’d be happy to assist by contanting us!

  1. Add the plugin (zip file) through the Plugins>Add New>Upload Plugin
  2. Make a page for your menu and add shortcode [escape-rooms] inside
  3. Your navigation bar must me assigned a menu, as the plugin will add two pages called ‘ESCAPE ROOM BOOKING PAGE’ & ‘ESCAPE ROOM DETAILS PAGE’ and these need to be hidden from your top menu
  4. The plugin is responsive and will play with any theme that is bootstrap 3 friendly. Will still work for non-bootstrap themes.


Can i contact you if there is some feature missing or i cannot make it work ?

It is our first plugin and it must be pretty basic. But we are very happy to take any critisism and help you by installination or adding more features that you may need.

What about the price?

This plugin is free to use.


2017 年 2 月 16 日
This plugin is very simple. Of course, this is not a high end booking solution. pros and cons: +) easy to use (create rooms, check bookings) +) booking process is quite simple -) not integrated with payment systems -) doesn’t check for intersected booking
閱讀全部 1 則使用者評論


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  • This is our initial release.