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Embed Wistia Vid


To use Plugin install and then on page you wish to place the Wistia Vid put shortcode [wistiavid id=xxxxx] xxxxx being the Wistia Video ID, this can be found in the URL of the video on Wistia.
Eg. http://smallbusinesswebsites.wistia.com/medias/q509p384zl
The ID of this video is q509p384zl therefore the shortcode for the video is [wistiavid id=q509p384zl] as found on this page:


Craig Lambie

Why I did this?
The Wistia Plugin caused me great pains. I tried a few other code snippet plugins, but they then caused issues with “other” plugins.

Known issues:
– “Add this” plugin can cause an error with conflicts in Jquery or Wistia JS files

Future developments:
– Player customisation
– Social Sharing tools
– Call to action plugin
– More control over email capture plugin

Advanced Users Only:
Feel free to edit code to make this work for you.
Just go to “embed builder” in Wistia, set up video how you want it.
Select Embed Type: Inline
Show advanced options
– Select API

You will see the section:


wistiaEmbed = “

Duplicate this in the wistiavid.php file function PlaceWistiaVid($args) – be sure to watch the commas

Arbitrary section 1


  • Shortcode example
  • Wistia Video embeded


  1. Upload folder ‘WistiaVid’ from zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place [wistiavid id=xxxxx] onto the page
  4. Replace xxxxx with the Wistia Video ID from wistia.com


Can I use the Wistia Plugins?

I have made it work with Mailchimp Plugin and Captions plugin, player colour.

How do I use Caption plugin?

Be sure to have uploaded captions to your Wistia video first, then just add captions=true into the shortcode
eg. [wistiavid id=xxxxx captions=true]

How do I set a Mailchimp List?

I have made the mailchimp list appear only after the video has played. Get your mailchimp list ID from mailchimp (you can get it from the Sign up list embed code) and insert it into the shortcode mailchimpid=yyyyy, replacing yyyyy with you mailchimp list id.
eg. [wistiavid id=xxxxx mailchimpid=yyyy]

How do I set the player colour?

Just set the colour with the shortcode colour=f78725, the colour is the #/ or HEX colour code
eg. [wistiavid id=xxxxx colour=f78725]




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work in progress, but does the basics of embeding a Wistia video to a WordPress page, with no hassles or code.