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kevin. Payment Gateway for WooCommerce


Integrate kevin. Payment Gateway into your WooCommerce online store and let customers pay directly from their bank accounts across Europe.

kevin. is a payment infrastructure that bypasses card networks, letting consumers make fast, simple and secure payments directly from their bank accounts. Being live in 27 European markets kevin. is an accessible payment method to more than 350 million consumers. Numerous businesses benefit from kevin. infrastructure, resulting in higher customer conversions, lower fraud rates and reduced transaction fees.

Why choose kevin. payment gateway plugin for your WooCommerce store?

Fair pricing.

Accepting cards can be costly. Keep more of your profit with a single fee per transaction.

Instant settlement.

There’s no need to wait days, if not weeks, for funds to settle. Streamline your finances and take control of your cash flow with instant settlement.

Seamless UX.

Instead of being redirected to external pages, customers can checkout within your store’s environment. Let shoppers checkout with fewer clicks and a friction-free user experience that can help reduce cart abandonment, increase conversion rate, and improve retention rate.

Broad coverage.

Tap into new markets and new revenue streams with a single integration that gives you access to 350+ million shoppers across Europe.

Built-in compliance.

From the moment you integrate, payments are compliant with GDPR, PSD2, SCA (Strong Customer Authentication), and other regulations affecting the payment industry.

Security first.

All payments are made on the customer’s bank’s side, which means that all money is secured in the bank network.

About kevin.

More information about kevin. can always be found on our website
You can also stay up to date by following us on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter.

Support issues

If you have any questions or faced set-up issues, please contact our customer support team.
Contact kevin. customer support


  • Setup kevin. payment gateway with a few clicks.
  • Customise checkout view in your store.
  • Use Tiles view of banks for a simple overview. Customers can also pay by card.
  • Use List view of banks for a detailed overview. Customers can also pay by card.


Before installation:

You need to have kevin. account to proceed with the integration. Make sure you have received all the required credentials.
You can get those after creating the account at dashboard.kevin.eu

If you have any issues with registration or obtaining keys, feel free to contact kevin.

  • Log in to the WordPress admin panel
  • Navigate to Plugins Add New
  • Find the “kevin. Payment Gateway for WooCommerce” plugin and click Install button and then Activate Plugin button.
  • Under kevin. Payment Gateway for WooCommerce click Settings
    • Enter user data
      • Credentials: Client ID, Client Secret and Endpoint Secret.
      • Bank details: Receiver Name and Receiver Account
    • Select checkout view for the end-user
  • Save the configuration by clicking the Save changes button.

For different installation methods (FTP or via zip file) or trouble shootings please refer to this Installation guide

Email: help@kevin.eu


Do I need to have kevin. account to proceed with plugin installation?

Yes, you must have kevin. account before you can continue with plugin integration for Woocommerce.
Create an account

How can I integrate kevin. payment gateway plugin into my WooCommerce online store?

Installing kevin. payment gateway into your store is simple. After you’ve created an account, follow our step-by-step guide to integrate kevin. plugin into your WooCommerce store.
Install plugin

How much does WooCommerce payment gateway integration cost?

There are no start-up costs or maintenance fees. As a merchant, you pay a single fee every month. Please get in touch if you want to know more about our pricing model.
Contact us


2023 年 6 月 12 日 1 則留言
We see 0 utilisation from our customers and believe it has to do with the way the gateway is designed. 1) Bank and Card payments are combined in 1 kevin checkout option, which then in a second step needs to be re-selected again in order to use a credit card. Thats an unneccessary complication during checkout, and we all know how unforgiving customers are when it comes to a good checkout experience. 2) The Gateway is not translated in the language of major european markets. German for example is missing. If a German shop suddenly turns English during Checkout it raises the alarm bells for customers. Could this be Scam? Especially for a new payment pateway its important to deliver a trusted payment experience. 3) There should be some kind of customization possible to make the checkout look more integrated / similar, even if it takes place on an external website. For example a branding feature, where you could upload a brand logo to generate more trust when the customer enters the credit card details on the kevin website.
閱讀全部 2 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈kevin. Payment Gateway for WooCommerce〉的開發相關工作。


〈kevin. Payment Gateway for WooCommerce〉外掛目前已有 1 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈kevin. Payment Gateway for WooCommerce〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • Fix new install fatal error


  • Refactor refunds


  • Preserve cart in case of unsuccessful payments


  • Performance fixes


  • Separation of bank and card payment methods
  • White bank logos option for dark themes


  • Plugin refactoring
  • Plugin settings form rearrangement
  • Caching
  • Legal information on checkout
  • Stable release of the payment gateway with refunds / bank / card payments possibilities
  • Added languages: French, German, Slovak, Swedish


  • Remove client id / secret validation


  • Add redirection to frame for bank select


  • Fix hook


  • Fix warnings in filters


  • Fix credentials double message,
  • Optimise request to kevin. platform


  • Support new languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian
  • Changes in translation keys
  • Small refactor


  • Change plugin name