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Dynamic SVG Icons


This plugin provides a number of icons out-of-the-box that can be enabled and included in a site as SVG markup. Custom SVG icons/images are also supported.

The icons are placed on a page as HTML elements with specific class names which the plugin then replaces with SVG code via JavaScript.

For a full list of built-in SVG icons see built-in icons.


Please submit bugs, patches, and feature requests to:



  1. Download dynamic-svg-icons.zip
  2. Unzip
  3. Upload dynamic-svg-icons directory to your /wp-content/plugins directory
  4. Go to the plugin management page and enable the plugin

You can find full details of installing a plugin on the plugin installation page.

Full documentation can be found on the GitHub repository docs.


Why would I use this over an icon font?

This approach cuts out the additional requests to load an icon font. It is also easier to register your custom SVG images with this plugin than to load them into an icon font.

Can I use my own SVG images?

Yes. See the using custom SVGs section of the documentation to learn how.

Can I override the default icon SVG markup?

Yes. See the overriding built-in SVGs section of the documentation to learn how.


2019 年 4 月 24 日
I prefer to have my SVGs be dynamic. Static SVGs are so 2010. I installed this plugin and it brought me instant joy and solved all of my business problems, thank you!
閱讀全部 1 則使用者評論


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