這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Dynamic Year and Copyright Shortcode


This plugins allows you to keep the Copyright year of the website always updated by getting the current year and storing it in the shortcode [current_year].

There are three variations of this plugin’s shortcode

[current_year] – This shortcode displays the current year. Assuming that the current year is 2015 then the shortcode will display “2015” (without quotes) wherever it is used.

[current_year_with_copyright_symbol] – This shortcode displays the current year with the copyright symbol to its left. Assuming the current year to be 2015 the shorcode will display “© 2015” (without quotes) wherever it is used.

[current_year_with_copyright_symbol_and_title] – This shortcode displays the current year with the copyright symbol and site title to its left. Assuming the current year to be 2015 the shorcode will display “Site Title © 2015” (without quotes) wherever it is used.

Shortcode Features Available

  1. Current Year
  2. Current Year with copyright symbol
  3. Current Year with copyright symbol and title


  • Usage of shortcode in Post/Page Editor

  • Output of shortcode on front-end


Installing directly from wordpress backend

  1. Goto Plugins -> Add New
  2. Search for Dynamic Year and Copyright Shortcode
  3. Install and Activate the plugin
  4. Use the shorcode variations [current_year], [current_year_with_copyright_symbol] and [current_year_with_copyright_symbol_and_title] wherever you want.

Installing by uploading the plugin to wordpress

  1. Goto https://wordpress.org/plugins/dynamic-year-and-copyright-shortcode/
  2. Click on Download to download the plugin to your system
  3. Upload the plugin to wp-content/plugins/ using FTP or Cpanel and extract the zipped file
  4. Goto Plugins and Activate the plugin
  5. Use the shorcode variations [current_year], [current_year_with_copyright_symbol] and [current_year_with_copyright_symbol_and_title] wherever you want.


Installation Instructions

Installing directly from wordpress backend

  1. Goto Plugins -> Add New
  2. Search for Dynamic Year and Copyright Shortcode
  3. Install and Activate the plugin
  4. Use the shorcode variations [current_year], [current_year_with_copyright_symbol] and [current_year_with_copyright_symbol_and_title] wherever you want.

Installing by uploading the plugin to wordpress

  1. Goto https://wordpress.org/plugins/dynamic-year-and-copyright-shortcode/
  2. Click on Download to download the plugin to your system
  3. Upload the plugin to wp-content/plugins/ using FTP or Cpanel and extract the zipped file
  4. Goto Plugins and Activate the plugin
  5. Use the shorcode variations [current_year], [current_year_with_copyright_symbol] and [current_year_with_copyright_symbol_and_title] wherever you want.
How to display the current year with copyright symbol?

Please use [current_year_with_copyright_symbol]

How to display the current year with copyright symbol and title?

Please use [current_year_with_copyright_symbol_and_title]


2018 年 7 月 28 日
When you use any of the shortcodes, it gives the year in a div, which is a display-ed as a block, so it is in separate line. 🙁 It would be better in a block with display: inline-block CSS property. Nice idea, please fix it!
2018 年 3 月 28 日
When you use any of the shortcodes it sets the code on separate lines, so you cannot use current year within any text as it applies line breaks. Secondly, instead of displaying the copyright symbol, it displays the word &copy which is almost the code for the copyright symbol but not quite…! Nice idea, poorly implemented
2018 年 2 月 6 日
Great replacement for the Automatic Copyright Year plugin, which seems to have been abandoned 🙁 However, it interfered with the footer widget text styling (which the Automatic Copyright Year widget did not), and I had a deuce of a time figuring out how to correct it. In the end, I styled div.dcywrapper in Additional CSS for the shortcode output, then had to manually style the line below it (all rights reserved) as a separate span in the HTML widget. Ergo, 4 stars instead of 5. But still, thanks for helping me resist the temptation to run an unmaintained plugin because there is no replacement 🙂 Don’t know why WordPress doesn’t just add an automatic copyright shortcode to the built-in WordPress shortcodes. It’s something everyone needs, and would make it harder for hackers to identify neglected sites.
2016 年 9 月 3 日
Exactly what I needed. It is also light weight and so doesn’t add up to the resources at all.
閱讀全部 4 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Dynamic Year and Copyright Shortcode〉的開發相關工作。




  • Initial version