Duplicate Content Cure is an extremely simple plugin that makes WordPress more Search Engine
friendly (And therefore improving SEO). It does this by preventing search engine spiders/bots
from accessing pages like Archives, Tags, and Categories, which tend to contain duplicated content
from elsewhere on your site. This is achieved by adding nofollow, noindex to
these problem pages.
Duplicate Content Cure doesn’t have a lot of features that other SEO plugins have, but
it also is lightning fast by comparison.
- download the plugin
- Unzip the downloaded plugin and upload the duplicate-content-cure directory to your plugins directory
- By default, everything but Pages, Posts, the Home Page, and the blog home page will have the “noindex,follow” tag added. If you wish to
allow your category or tag pages to be indexed, just go into the settings and uncheck those you want indexed.
1.0 (2015.05.25)
- Updated plugin and moved to HowToStartaBlog.org
- Added admin/ settings page
- Added new opton to leave Categories indexed
0.2 (2007.05.19)
- added closing forward slash to meta tags for XHTML validation – Thanks Kelson!
- updated plugin url
0.1 (2007.03.01)
- Plugin released – Originally on SEOlogs.com