這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Dooplee Duplicate Content Checker


Dooplee Duplicate Content Checker displays the last 10 blog posts and a Google custom search engine you use to monitor your content. Scrapers and “auto-blogs” take content from your site that is indexed by Google. This harms your search engine rank, especially when you have multiple people scraping your blog. This simple tool helps you monitor your blog’s content from within the admin panel.

Duplicate content affects your Google rank, but you can take action to fight the content thieves. The scrapers attempt to gain Google rank from your work, so to protect your own Google rank and your income, you can use the DMCA system to remove the content. The form you fill out requests an evaluation of the stolen content, and we return an evaluation to you within 48 hours.

The plugin installs in the admin area in the Tools section. It loads the last 10 blog posts, but you can use it to check older blog posts as well. If you find duplicate content, use the form to fill out a DMCA request, and we will evaluate the situation and tell you what we can do to help you remove the content. In most situations, we can at least have the content removed from Google as well as Bing and Yahoo to make the stolen content useless to the thief. However, our first attempt is to have the content removed from the host server.

For more information about duplicate content and how it affects your site, visit http://dooplee.com/blog or visit http://dooplee.com to start the DMCA takedown notice process. We also offer monthly maintenance service to monitor stolen content for you, so you can keep writing instead of tracking scrapers. Please use the contact form on our blog if you have any issues or feedback for this plugin.


Through WordPress

  1. Install the plugin from the WordPress dashboard

  2. Go to your plugin section in the dashboard and click “Activate.”

Manual Installation

  1. Download the plugin from http://dooplee.com/dooplee_plugin/dooplee.zip.

  2. Upload the zip file contents to /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

  3. Open your WordPress dashboard and click “Activate” in the Plugin admin area.


We are currently collecting a list of most frequently asked questions. Because this is our first release, we have a cap of 100 searches per day from Google. If you cannot search through the plugin, please contact us for support on our blog. We are testing the popularity of the plugin, so we’ve left the 100 search cap. If you have any feedback and find that you are continuously blocked due to the cap, please feel free to send us feedback at http://dooplee.com/blog using the contact form in the right panel.

What domains does Dooplee Duplicate Content Checker monitor?

We currently check .biz, .info, .net, org and .com sites for scraped content.




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Dooplee Duplicate Content Checker〉的開發相關工作。
