Disk Usage Insights


Find large files and large folders in no time. This plugin scans your whole WordPress installation, counts all files and folders, sums up the sizes and outputs useful statistics to find unwanted large objects in your system.


  • Largest Files and Largest Folders
  • Largest Folders, Folders with most files, Largest Plugins, Largest Themes


  1. Upload the plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Go to the Plugins page and activate the plugin.


How do I use this plugin?

You have two options:
* Open the Tools section in the Admin Area and select “Disk Usage Insights”.
* Click the pie chart in the admin bar.

How to uninstall the plugin?

Simply deactivate and delete the plugin.

Is Multisite supported?

Yes, but only for users with the “manage_sites” privilege, which Super Admins have by default.

Which PHP version is supported?

You need a PHP version >= 7.4.


2024 年 12 月 6 日 1 則留言
My Wordpress site was getting close to storage allowance, this plugin helped me quickly find folders and files that were taking up a lot of disk space. Removed the files and I’m now back within my allowance. Thanks for a great plugin
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  • Plugin now runs with PHP >=7.4 ()


  • Reimplemented “Largest Plugin Folder” and “Largest Theme Folders” from v1.1
  • Bugfix: Report “Largest Folders (incl. sub folders)” was sorted by count instead of size
  • Bugfix: Fix issues with the playground demo version


  • Support for really big and slow installations (complete code rewrite, usage of sqlite as a database and job queues on top of it)


  • Support for Multisite installations (user must have privilege “manage_sites” which Super Admins have by default)
  • Disk Usage in percent is now visualized with a bar in the background of the first column


  • Plugin released.