這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Disable Fullscreen Editor Mode


WordPress v5.4 named with Adderley. It comes with Fullscreen Editor mode by default. Many users not familiar with this User Experience. By activating this plugin, default fullscreen editor behavior will be gone. You can see Menu as like normal editor.

It works with Posts, Pages and any Custom Posts. There’s no settings, just activate.

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✋Want More –

If you like our Disable Fullscreen Mode plugin then why not check some other plugins that developed by us:

🚀 WP Adminify: – The best WordPress Dashboard Customization plugin available in the market. With this plugin you will get 18+ modules like Dark Mode, Menu Editor, Folders, Dashboard Widget Manager, Login Customizer, Admin Columns, Activity Logs and many more.

🚀 Master Blocks: – “Master Blocks” is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to enhance the functionality of the Gutenberg block editor. With this plugin, users can unlock a wide range of new blocks, offering greater flexibility and creativity when designing and customising their website’s content.

🚀 Master Addons: – One of the best Elementor Addon plugin that packed with 70+ elements and extensions. You will get all essential elements to design any type Website.

🚴🏻‍♂️ Image Comparison for Elementor: – This plugin dedicatedly made for image comparison element. You will get a multiple variation for image comparison. Showcase your before after work easily with the help of this plugin.

🍡 Master Accordion: – If you are a default WordPress user and need a proper accordion plugin then Master Accordion is for you. You can add as much accordion as you need in multiple way.

🏕 WordPress prettyPhoto: – This plugin helps you to enable lightbox for your any media file, flash, YouTube, iframes and ajax. Just enable PreetyPhoto in your desired media file and you are done.


  • After and Before comparison Editor Mode


  1. Upload the Downloaded “disable-gutenberg-fullscreen.zip” Folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Or, UNZIP “disable-fullscreen-mode.zip” folder and Upload “disable-fullscreen-mode” folder on “wp-content/plugins/” folder via FTP or Copy and
    Paste on your Local Computer
  3. Activate the “Disable Fullscreen Editor Mode” Plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Is there any Configuration Settings

No, there’s no configurations after Activating this plugin. Simply Install it and enjoy.


2024 年 5 月 23 日 1 則留言
It does what it says, but also adds a “recommended plugins” menu item to your admin-menu which tries to funnel you to their 2 other plugins as if WordPress is recommending this to you. Don’t like that so deinstalled it quicklySo giving it a “works” rating according to the WordPress rating.
閱讀全部 1 則使用者評論


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變更記錄 (11-11-2023)

  • Updated: Security Bug fixed (09-11-2023)

  • Updated: Security Update (12-10-2023)

  • Updated: Blank Admin page issue fixed

= (16-08-2023)=
* Updated – Plugin updated and Recommended plugin issue fixed

= 1.0.2 (19-4-2020)=
* Added Banner, changed title and contents

= 1.0.1 (19-4-2020)=
* Added Banner, changed title and contents

= 1.0.0 (17-4-2020)=
* Initial Release