DFX Automatic Role Changer for WooCommerce


This plugin allows the association of a role to a WooCommerce product so the role is assigned to a registered user when the product is purchased.

How it works

Once activated, every product will have an additional Role to be assigned to people purchasing this product option in the general tab of the product edition page, where administrators will be able to select the role to be immediately assigned to people who completes the payment for an order including the configured product.


2023 年 1 月 4 日
This plugin is both simple and efficient if you need an automatic system in adding a second user role. Thank you for making this solution!
2021 年 3 月 10 日 1 則留言
I looked a time for a plugin like this. Its short, nice and work well. Should be up to date with WP-versions…
2021 年 1 月 19 日
The DFX Automatic Role Changer for Woocommerce plugin does very well what it says. A very useful plugin if you know what to do with it. 🙂 A big thanks to the author!
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  • Changed Freemius installation path.


  • Premium Feature Added new premium features to allow the role to be assigned/deassigned according a WooCommerce subscription lifecycle.
  • Added messages to promote the premium features.


  • Added new settings page into WooCommerce Products admin page.
  • Adding new feature to select when the role must be assigned to the user.
  • Adding new mode selection, to determine if the new role must be added to the user or if the new role just should replace any previous role.
  • Added code to be executed if the order gets cancelled or refunded, to remove the role from the user.


  • Marking compatibility with HPOS.


  • Initial release