這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Default Twitter Image for Yoast


Provide a default Twitter Image setting for Yoast SEO. An unofficial Yoast add-on made with ♥️ by Whodunit Agency.

With the famous Yoast SEO plugin, there is currently no way to easily set up a default Twitter Open graph image for your posts that don’t have any thumbnail image.

Yoast allows you to define a default image for Facebook, but there’s no such option for Twitter. It’s really helpful be able to choose a specific image for each social network so you can better customize your communication on them.

This very light free plugin add a default Twitter image field in the Twitter tab, under the SEO > Social submenu.


  • This unofficial add-on is well integrated into Yoast settings screens.


  1. Install the plugin and activate it in your WordPress Admin.
  2. Go to the “SEO” menu then to the “Social” submenu.
  3. Go to the “Twitter” tab then set up you default Open graph image.




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Default Twitter Image for Yoast〉的開發相關工作。


〈Default Twitter Image for Yoast〉外掛目前已有 1 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈Default Twitter Image for Yoast〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


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  • Plugin initial release. Works fine 🙂