這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Custom validation error message – CF7


This plugin adds custom validation messages to individual fields of your contact form 7. You will be able to add your custom error message for every field like text, radio, select, textarea, etc.. in contact form 7.

Features of this plugin.

  • Supported with WPML (Contact Form 7 Multilingual) addon
  • Add Custom Validation Message to Contact Form Fields.
  • Allows you to set Different Error Messasge for text, text area, email, URL, radio, phone number, and more fields.
  • Error message for individual fields.
  • You can add custom validation with multiple forms on different pages or single page.


  • Screenshot-1.png
  • Screenshot-2.png


There are two ways you can install this WordPress Plugin.

Using The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to “Plugins -> Add New” from your dashboard
  2. Search for “Custom validation error message – CF7”
  3. Click “Install Now” button of this plugin
  4. Activate the plugin
  5. Go to Contact forms 7. Add or Edit any form.
  6. Click on ‘message’ tab. Here you can find all ur field list where you can enter your custome message.

Manual installation

  1. Download plugin from https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-validation-error-message-cf7/
  2. Upload the ‘Custom validation error message – CF7’ plugin to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ tab from WordPress admin.
  4. Go to Contact forms 7. Add or Edit any form.
  5. Click on ‘message’ tab. Here you can find all ur field list where you can enter your custome message.


1. Can I setup the validation error message of each field for multiple forms?

Yes, You can create custom validation messages for each form.

2. This plugins supported with WPML plugins?

Yes, this plugin supported with Contact Form 7 Multilingual addon




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Custom validation error message – CF7〉的開發相關工作。
