Custom Template for LifterLMS


This plugin will help you replace default LifterLMS course template for non-enrolled students with a custom template. You can design the custom template with any page builder of your choice.

Convert the default LifterLMS course template that appears for non enrolled students into a custom designed, sales or landing page.

Here is how this plugin works:

  1. Install & Active the Plugin
  2. Add a new Custom Template from the menu that would appear under LifterLMS Menu
  3. Added Custom Templates will appear in the admin area of all individual courses
  4. Select the template for individual course
  5. The default LifterLMS template for that individual course will be replaced with the custom template selected in previous step

This plugin currently works best with the Astra Theme.


  1. Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


2018 年 2 月 12 日 1 則留言
This is an excellent solution for building beautiful sales pages for LifterLMS powered courses. This is a dream friction point that is now gone for page building professionals that are creating online course sites. Also marketers who want that gorgeous course sales page for maximum branding, design and conversion can now launch a course their way in their own style. Great work Brainstorm Force and WPCrafter!
2018 年 2 月 4 日
So essentially this plugin allows you to have a real sales page, built with your page builder of choice, instead of the default LifterLMS course index page. It will help increase enrollments by allowing you to better showcase your course and it will protect your course syllabus from copycats. All for free, amazing.
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  • Improvement: Added compatibility to WordPress 6.1


  • Fix: Code updated according to coding standard.


  • Improvement: Compatibility with latest WordPress PHP_CodeSniffer rules


  • Updated plugin name.
  • New: Support added for Membership.
  • New: Help meta box added in Custom template post.


  • Support for the Thrive Architect for building the custom course templates.
  • Improvement: Load WP Bakery Page Builder’s custom CSS along with Astra Theme’s CSS instead of Astra Pro’s CSS to have wider support.


  • Initial Release