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Custom Admin Widget Titles


WordPress Widgets are really great to keep the elements on your site modular and reusable. They have the option to have their title in them if you want to. However, this field is optional, and you leave it empty for those cases you don’t wish to display a title in the frontend. What about those times you have to stack many widgets into a sidebar without titles.

WordPress by default only includes the widget type as the name of the widget in the title bar when the title is not included, making it impossible to have an accurate reference of the function of that specific unit. That is where this plugin comes in handy.

This plugin will create an extra field on every widget in the Appearance -> Widgets area (not available in the Customizer) named “Widget title” that will allow you to have a custom title for that Widget. You can just leave this field blank when you want the default titles from WordPress.



  1. Download the plugin from the WordPress Plugin repository
  2. After installing the plugin click “Activate” in the Plugin administration area.


1. Is this plugin free?

Yes, It is free.
If you want to contribute, you can buy me a coffee.

2. How does it work?

After activating the plugin you don’t have to do anything else. Just head towards the Appearance -> Widgets section in your admin area, and for every Widget assigned to a sidebar, you will see an extra field near the bottom on the widget options. This field will be labeled “Widget title”. If you include a title there it will show on the title bar of that specific widget upon save.

3. Where does it work?

This functionality only applies to the Appearance -> Widgets section. It won’t show in the WordPress Customizer.

4. If I fill the custom widget title field, what would happen with the regular title?

This custom title is only for the admin area, to keep everything organized and tidy. This custom title won’t show in the frontend. However, if you want to have a title in the frontend, you would do it by filling the regular “title” field of your Widget. Also, if there are cases of Widgets you don’t want them to have a custom title in the admin area, just leave the “Widget title” field blank. On these cases the title will be the default WordPress title.




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  • V1.8 –
    Base version. Custom Admin Widget Title functionality.