Add great looking widgets to your website to display the latest information on all major cryptocurrencies. Choose between currencies, styling and include conditions to displays custom text messages. Available either as a text ticker or widget.
Check out the demo here: CryptoFavorite Widget Demo
The shortcodes make it easy to add current price data from over 400 cryptocurrencies to your website. Customize the way widgets display and choose whether to include graphs, information on market cap and volume. Use the conditions to ensure that the text you use online is never outdated regardless of price fluctuations.
*The latest coin prices, displayed beautifully
*Easy to use shortcodes
*Options to display 24 hour price graphs
*Conditions offer flexibility when writing about prices
*Choice of over 30 different base currencies including USD, EUR and GBP
This plugin relies on third party data obtained from https://cryptofavorite.com. Terms of Service for cryptofavorite.com can be found through this link
Download the plugin folder in wp-content > plugins. Activate the plugin in the plugin settings admin panel
. Configure the plugin by clicking on ‘Cryptofavorite’ in the left menu bar.
- Installation Instructions
Download the plugin folder in wp-content > plugins. Activate the plugin in the plugin settings admin panel
. Configure the plugin by clicking on ‘Cryptofavorite’ in the left menu bar.