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Cryptocurrency Widgets From Coinlib


Full Free Cryptocurrency Widget Pack from Coinlib. Use it to generate Full list of Top Crypto Currencies, Live Coin Charts, Single Coin Widgets, Crypto Currency Converters and Horizontal Live Tickers. All widgets are customizable using a number of parameters (dark/light theme etc.)

Check out our Demo Page with all the available widgets.

All the widgets from this plugin rely on the use of Coinlib’s widget API which can be found here. Useful links: Coinlib’s Terms, Coinlib’s Privacy Policy.


  • A demo website with two of our widgets
  • Another demo website with two more of our widgets


Install From WordPress Admin Panel

From the WordPress Admin panel click on Plugins and then Add New. Search for “Cryptocurrency Widgets From Coinlib” and after finding our plugin, click on the Install button. Finally don’t forget to activate the plugin by clicking on Activate on the installed plugins list.

How To Create a new Widget?

After installing and activating the plugin, you will find a “Coinlib Widget” tab in sidebar of your WP admin dashboard. Click on it and follow the instructions in order to generate as many cryptocurrency widget shortcode as you like.Use the generated shortcodes anywhere inside your website to display the widgets.

Do you have any support email for extra questions?

YES, feel free to contact us at info@coinlib.io


2023 年 10 月 24 日
This is one of the best crypto free plugins i’ve used.Highly recommended. I am pretty surprised not a lot of reviews about it. Displayed real-time data
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以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Cryptocurrency Widgets From Coinlib〉的開發相關工作。



Version 1.0
–Initial Release—