Crowdsignal 表單外掛程式可讓你直接在區塊編輯器內建立及管理投票。
建立投票就像撰寫項目符號清單一樣簡單快速。 不再需要任何 [嵌入內容] 區塊和複製貼上。
配合你的品牌自訂投票外觀和風格,並選擇最喜歡的顏色。 投票區塊預設支援你的佈景主題樣式,你可於該處隨心所欲地自訂投票樣式。
可在 Crowdsignal 的結果頁面即時查看所有回應。 查看投票者的地理位置,並分析任何可疑投票行為的 IP 位址。 查看進階統計資料與分析,協助你瞭解讀者群。
你可以透過免費 Crowdsignal 帳號建立不限次數的投票,前 2,500 個回應免費。 回應是指你的投票獲得的回應。 若使用免費方案,你仍享有前 2,500 個回應的完整存取權限。 當收集的回應數超過上限時,系統仍會予以記錄,但你需要升級才能存取解鎖報告以查看這些回應。 你也將能存取免費使用者無法使用的多種功能。
這個外掛提供 6 個可供 Gutenberg/區塊編輯器使用的區塊。
- Feedback
- Applause
- Vote Item
- Poll
- Nps
- Vote
1. 前往「外掛程式」頁面並按一下「新增」。
2. 在搜尋方塊中輸入「Crowdsignal 表單」,然後按下返回鍵。
3. 按一下「立即安裝」按鈕。
完成安裝後,你必須將網站與 Crowdsignal.com 連結
1. 啟用外掛程式,系統會帶你前往「新手入門」頁面。
2. 按一下「現在就開始使用」,開啟快顯視窗以便登入或建立新 Crowdsignal 帳號。
3. 畫面上會顯示要使用的 API 金鑰,請按下「連線」,讓系統將你帶回自己的網站。
4. 快顯視窗會消失,畫面上會顯示「你已準備好開始使用 Crowdsignal!」的訊息。
5. 請盡情使用投票功能! 建立文章並新增全新的「投票」區塊!
為什麼要使用 Crowdsignal 表單?
我們才剛推出 Crowdsignal 投票區塊,預計很快就會推出更多區塊。
Crowdsignal 是什麼?
Crowdsignal 由 Automattic 開發。Automattic 是 WordPress.com、WooCommerce、Tumblr 等產品的開發公司。 我們的服務廣受歡迎!
Automattic 的團隊成員遍布世界各地,因此我們的 250 多位 Happiness Engineer 隨時都能提供服務。 請查看我們的支援文件、支援論壇,也歡迎隨時與我們聯絡,我們將很樂意提供協助。
- bump “Tested up to” to 6.5
- check for empty cached poll data to prevent warning on load of editor (#278)
- check for null
selector which is causing a crash in 6.5 (#277) - disable PostPreviewButton because it is crashing the block on re-renders (#274)
- Prevent blocks from being used in the Site Editor (#272)
- crowdsignal applause block: Only try to fetch poll data if a pollId exists (php 8.1 warning) (#270)
- Update message banner for closed, hidden and voted polls (#269)
- Update @wordpress/scripts and webpack to latest versions (#266)
- Block Sidebar: group settings together (#265)
- Optimize frontend components (#263)
- Update dependencies for node 18.13.0 (#262)
- Fix block spacing for better theme compatibility (#258)
- Fix line jumps (#259)
- Remove RawHTML use from the blocks (#255)
- Bump tested version to 6.2 (#256)
- Fix rendering on question and note (#252)
- Update scripts to use python2 (#254)
- update package lock
- Add the site_url() to the wp-json URL so directory installs work. (#247)
- Fix makefile and dependencies (#245)
- Fix the (optional) text that shows up on the front end for email (#243)
- GH build action for named releases (#242)
- Back to PHP 7.4 for builds (#241)
- Create store (#234)
- Update docker to build with PHP 8.1 (#237)
- update build action to use php 8.1 (#240)
- Update development environment (#236)
- Update feedback button block condition for triggering the widget mode (#235)
- Build Tools: Add
for v2-compat (#227) - fix/add missing ref links to quiz variation (#233)
- Update/survey help landing page (#231)
- add/quiz variation to CS Embed block (#230)
- add/crowdsignal-embed block (#222)
- Fix POT compilation on the local environment (#226)
- remove php8.1 from docker, PHP and php-mysql libs (#221)
- Update filter name due to deprecation (block_categories) (#220)
- Remove styling for Hello Dolly (#223)
- Fix TwentyTwentyTwo styling issues (#218)
- Unset border-style on crowdsignal-forms-vote class (#216)
- Adjust code syntax to comply with standards (#215)
- Remove editor dependencies (#213)
- Remove templateLock: insert also prevents removals (#212)
- Update documentation
- Update Dockerfile to pull latest stable Ubuntu. Small update to .yml file (#210)
- Fix CSS so it doesn’t interfere with Jetpack (#208)
- add trigger for crowdsignal_forms_get_account_info (#203)
- fix typo on respones -> responses (#207)
- Rollback to 1.5.12
- Update the text and styling of the settings page. (#199)
- Fix transient and empty user (#200)
- Update links to settings page. (#198)
- Let the dashboard plugin take care of menus. (#196)
- WIP: Move the “Getting Started” process into the Settings page. (#179)
- Some fixes along the way (#197)
- Update and delete the dashboard login details too (#195)
- Improve broken connection handling (#193)
- Fix multiple choice poll check position (#192)
- Rework backend code (#191)
- Default polls to “Button” style (#189)
- Attempt to track failed connections (#187)
- Fix warnings and skips (#186)
- Bugfix: Set the priority of withFixedPosition hook on BlockListBlock to 1 (#180)
- Fix Feedback Button block on Block Widget editor. (#173)
- Fix isPollBlock to prevent crashes when getBlocks() returns null (#175)
- Fix toolbar/feedback overlay interactions (#172)
- Fix toolbar remaining behind the feedback overlay (#170)
- Make video iframe dimension-less, add CSS rules for it (#169)
- Fix new interface package compatibility (#168)
- Update dockerfile (#156)
- Fix little typo on the welcome screen (#167)
- Use poll.fm for the nonce check (#164)
- Fix answer inputs (#160)
- Fix feedback block editor overlay on the full site editor (#157)
- Default to site URL on source_link prop when no permalink is returned (#155)
- Add a widget-editor compatible interface for the feedback block (#154)
- Fix verify info request logic (#137)
- Remove the filter as it either turns problematic or doesn’t solve the issue at all (#146)
- Fix feedback form rendering issues on mobile screens (#143)
- Add filter to control transform behavior (#142)
- Add different toggle settings for the feedback button block (#139)
- Implement a toggle for making feedback email mandatory (#138)
- Add a vertical middle position for the feedback block (#140)
- Make branding enabled by default on atomic sites (#134)
- Fix poll styling issues (#135)
- Hide CS logo on the popup form (#136)
- Consistently name panel section “Settings” and subsection “Status” (#133)
- Refresh readme (#112)
- Finetune footer branding (#115)
- New Feedback block added (#110)
- Use ‘crowdsignal_forms_translations_path’ filter to load translations (#61)
- Action: Use make command to build all blocks (#74)
- Get rid of docker step for pot file (#65)
- Add Github action for nightly builds
- Fix double entry (no uses and run on same step) (#70)
- Back to basic syntax
- More action debugging
- Simpler syntax, no inputs (#67)
- move syntax, debugging error on L1 (#66)
- Fix preview button causing the NPS block to break when creating a new block
- Fix linter errors
- Update the NPS preview button to behave identically to the editor’s one
- Change translations pipeline (#57)
- Add UA and X-Forwarded-For headers for proper response results tracking (#53)
- Use RichText.Content component on frontend (#55)
- Use optimistic requests for submitting NPS block results
- Change copy edits (#56)
- Disable HTML editing and block reusability
- Add NPS block
- Fixed redirect logic for the poll block