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Paypal Pay Donation and Payment



This Paypal Pay plugin is for selling your products or to collect donation from your website using PayPal.

You can use PayPal Donate button or Custom button and place button anywhere you want to sell products or collect donation for charity fundraising. Your customers or donators can pay using their PayPal account.

It is simple to use and supports multi-language, also Translation ready .pot file included. You don’t need to setup large eCommerce solution for your small shop. Plugin settings page is easy and you can use it without any instruction.

Plugin Settings is made by WordPress Settings API. It is sanitize proper way. So it can be used in any WordPress Theme.


  • PayPal Pay Settings page


Automatic Installation

  1. Login in to your WordPress Website as an Administrator.
  2. In the main menu go to Plugins -> Add New.
  3. Search for Paypal Pay Donation and Payment and click install.
  4. After installation, goto plugins settings page enter your PayPal account email or merchant ID.
  5. To use Paypal button, place [ppdp_donation_button name="" amount="75" id="" button_class="" button_text=""] in a post or page where you want to show Paypal Button.
  6. To Get Response from Paypal to your page, place shortcode [ppdp_respons]
  7. For Cancel Payment, place shortcode [ppdp_cancel] to your Cancel Page.
  8. You are ready to accept Paypal payment on your website.

Manual Installation

  1. Login in to your WordPress Website as an Administrator.
  2. In the main menu go to Plugins -> Add New.
  3. Then click on Upload Plugin. Browse and Choose previously downloaded Paypal Pay Donation and Payment plugin.
  4. Then Click on Install Now.
  5. After installation, goto plugins settings page enter your PayPal account email or merchant ID.
  6. To use Paypal button, place [ppdp_donation_button name="" amount="75" id="" button_class="" button_text=""] in a post or page where you want to show Paypal Button.
  7. To Get Response from Paypal to your page, place shortcode [ppdp_respons]
  8. For Cancel Payment, place shortcode [ppdp_cancel] to your Cancel Page.
  9. You are ready to accept Paypal payment on your website.


Installation Instructions

Automatic Installation

  1. Login in to your WordPress Website as an Administrator.
  2. In the main menu go to Plugins -> Add New.
  3. Search for Paypal Pay Donation and Payment and click install.
  4. After installation, goto plugins settings page enter your PayPal account email or merchant ID.
  5. To use Paypal button, place [ppdp_donation_button name="" amount="75" id="" button_class="" button_text=""] in a post or page where you want to show Paypal Button.
  6. To Get Response from Paypal to your page, place shortcode [ppdp_respons]
  7. For Cancel Payment, place shortcode [ppdp_cancel] to your Cancel Page.
  8. You are ready to accept Paypal payment on your website.

Manual Installation

  1. Login in to your WordPress Website as an Administrator.
  2. In the main menu go to Plugins -> Add New.
  3. Then click on Upload Plugin. Browse and Choose previously downloaded Paypal Pay Donation and Payment plugin.
  4. Then Click on Install Now.
  5. After installation, goto plugins settings page enter your PayPal account email or merchant ID.
  6. To use Paypal button, place [ppdp_donation_button name="" amount="75" id="" button_class="" button_text=""] in a post or page where you want to show Paypal Button.
  7. To Get Response from Paypal to your page, place shortcode [ppdp_respons]
  8. For Cancel Payment, place shortcode [ppdp_cancel] to your Cancel Page.
  9. You are ready to accept Paypal payment on your website.


閱讀全部 4 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Paypal Pay Donation and Payment〉的開發相關工作。




Initial release