這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Checklist in Post


Allow creating checklists in posts based on bulleted list.
Supports Cookies

WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg Support:
Use Classic Block and then Visual editor instructions below.
There are plans for Separate Gutenberg block in the future.

Usage in visual editor :
* Create / Edit Post and add classic Visual Editor bulleted list to it. Try to prepare space for it by leaving empty lines before and after.
* Select list in Visual Editor (and empty line above) and click button "Add Checklist".
* Shortcodes [checklist_in_post] [/checklist_in_post] will appear.
* Save.
* If you want to use cookies – check cookie option under plugin settings.



  • Upload the directory wordpresschecklistinpost in /wp-content/plugins/ or install the plugin over the plugin manager of WordPress.
  • Activate the plugin over the plugin manager of WordPress.

WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg Support:
Use Classic Block and then Visual editor instructions below.
There are plans for Separate Gutenberg block in the future.

Usage in visual editor :
* Create / Edit Post and add classic Visual Editor bulleted list to it. Try to prepare space for it by leaving empty lines before and after.
* Select list in Visual Editor (and empty line above) and click button "Add Checklist".
* Shortcodes [checklist_in_post] [/checklist_in_post] will appear.
* Save.
* If you want to use cookies – check cookie option under plugin settings.


2020 年 5 月 26 日
Very good useful plugin ! Works well with ELEMENTOR thanks to the configuration and the shortcode. Small +: It would have been great to allow us to customize the check boxes and the text (as grayed out or red in color by default, for example …) Thank you
2018 年 9 月 10 日 7 則留言
Been using this plugin for my site. It has been very useful, however, I would like the checks to be stored. It says in the description that “* If you want to use cookies – check cookie option under plugin settings.” Where are the plugin settings (don’t see them in the dashboard) and how do I check the cookie option there.
2017 年 9 月 12 日
Thanks for this awesome plugin, it really helped me out. I would like to request two things: 1) can you make it possible that the checklist gets stored in the browser, so when visitors come back the see their check marks? 2) I found a work around for this, but maybe it makes sense to change it -> when I post a link within the checklist and check the item the green layer covers the link and I cannot click the link anymore. Thanks again for this awesome plugin!
閱讀全部 6 則使用者評論


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任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


Wordpress 5.0 Support (You need to use Block Classic).
Fixed: Styling for some themes
Fixed: Javascript on change event
Fixed: ToggleCookie
Fixed: Cookie path=/
New : Changed way how checked elements are build, changed classes
New : Cookie support – settings page into WordPress Admin. 365 days period.
Fixed: Contact Form conflict resolved (Thanks to @tdper)
Fixed: Allow Nested Lists (Thanks @iisisrael)
Fixed: Allow using HTML into Lists
Fixed: Force padding-left: 0px;
Force transparent element list background (for themes using background in li)
Initial Release