Change Admin Email


這個外掛能讓網站管理員在不須傳送確認電子郵件的狀況下變更 [網站管理員電子郵件地址],這對於進行測試、本機網站設定或任何停用外寄電子郵件的狀況,都會非常有幫助。WordPress 4.9 的其中一項新功能,就是沒有為網站設定外寄電子郵件的話,網站管理員無法變更 [網站管理員電子郵件地址] 設定,這個外掛讓網站管理員重新獲得變更這項設定而不需傳送確認電子郵件的權限。請注意,[網站管理員電子郵件地址] 設定是用於網站管理用途的全域電子郵件,它會成為網站傳送電子郵件時的「寄件者」。[網站管理員電子郵件地址] 設定可以與初始網站管理員的個人電子郵件地址不同,後者與初始網站管理員的個人帳號相關聯。


外掛啟用後,網站管理員便能在 [設定]→[一般] 頁面中變更網站管理員的電子郵件地址,便能要求傳送一封從我們的伺服器寄出的測試電子郵件至新的電子郵件地址。請點擊這裡以了解我們的隱私權政策。


將外掛壓縮檔解壓縮後所得的資料夾及其全部檔案,上傳至 wp-content/plugins 目錄,然後在管理後台的 [外掛] 選單中完成啟用。


2024 年 9 月 3 日
I was stuck with the Admin email that came with an InstaWP blueprint. This plugin worked like magic. Thank You!
2024 年 6 月 17 日
I was about to light fire to my computer and send curses to WP, because WTH can’t I change the admin email easily. Why is this a problem, it’s freaking insane!? But here you are saving the day, thank you, thank you, thank you.!
2024 年 6 月 5 日
After tearing out my hair for literally weeks trying to to get my Wordpress to send a confirmation email to my updated email address – with NO success – I finally found this easy, simple, wonderful plugin that worked like a charm. Thanks John Dee!
2024 年 5 月 26 日 1 則留言
Had trouble changing my admin email, then found this plugin. Once installed, I went back to Settings > General and changed the sticky email address and Saved. Done. Got a hilarious, self-promotional email at the new admin address asking me to consider reviewing the plugin. And this is it. Highly recommended.
2024 年 5 月 18 日 1 則留言
This is a great plugin to replace obstinate old admins who refuse to cooperate and reply to the email sent by WordPress to add a new admin email. Prevents them from holding the site hostage by refusing to respond. This plugin bypasses them completely and sets the new email immediately. The only thing I would change is the button says “Test Email”. I would change it to Replace Email, then it would be more intuitive. Thanks,Mike
閱讀全部 119 則使用者評論


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