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CC Roundabout 3D Slider


CC Roundabout 3D Slider plugin is built on the popular Roundabout jQuery plugin. This plugin will help you to showcase your testimonials/images/products with title and descriptions in stylish way and it\’s ready to go straight out of the box.

Main Features:

  1. Custom post that enables you to create 3D sliders to show off anything like product, testimonials or images.
  2. Short code to use in post or pages as you like.
  3. Featured Image with or without text.
  4. Cross browser Compatible (IE7 and above, Opera, Chrome, Safari, Firefox.)

Extra Features:

  • Control excerpt manually.
  • Use categories and tags.
  • Can drag in both directions.
  • Here’s a temporary Live Demo

Thanks to Roundabout builder


  • Please add couple of slides from the dashboard like this screenshot here.
  • Control your excerpt which will show in the frontend, from the excerpt section in editor panel as you can see it here.
  • The settings to control the slider.
  • After publishing the slides Please use the short code \”[ccrwp_slider]\” in your post of page to show off your testimonial or any images. Okay that\’s it now see your slider in action.
  • Default Demo of slider.
  • This slide has many other variations like this one.


  1. Install the plugin as you always install plugins, either by uploading it via FTP or by using the \”Add Plugin\” function of WordPress.
  2. Activate the plugin at the plugin administration page
  3. Add your slides form the Dashboard and publish.
  4. Paste this short code to your page or post [ccrwp_slider]
  5. There is nothing more to do, to see your slider in action 🙂


1 Is there any other roundabout available?

  • Ans: yes it is, it will be available in the next update, else you may contact the developer if you are in hurry.


2016 年 9 月 3 日 2 則留言
Its a scam, of course does not work and settings screen is just an image 🙂
閱讀全部 4 則使用者評論


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  • script priority fixed


  • Additional support for subdomain and sub-directions.
  • Options page image fixed.


  • Bug fixed.
  • Options page title fixed.


  • This is first version of the slider
  • Will be updating later for more settings from the admin dashboard.