Bright Brands For WooCommerce


Bright Brands for WooCommerce is an ideal tool for organizing your website, showcasing the brands you offer, and providing a filter for your customers during their UX exploration. It also enhances your e-commerce site’s product description and presentation.

It’s hard to deny that brands have an impact on our purchasing decisions. They offer a level of quality assurance and help customers recognize products. Working with established brands is crucial for boosting sales and building trust on your e-commerce platform. That’s where this extension comes in – it allows you to easily add product brands to your WooCommerce site.

🌟 Bright Brands For WooCommerce Free Features

  • Add the taxonomy slug for all the brands
  • Add name, logo, banner, banner link, slug, description and parent brand for brands
  • Manage brands from the Bright Brands taxonomy page: edit, create, delete, view
  • Configure brand options for single product page
  • Configure brand options for the shop page
  • Configure the template for the brand page
  • Custom images for brands: thumbnail, medium, full and more
  • Show brand icons or brand names on the shop page


If you stumble upon any issue, feel free to create a topic about it. This will keep us informed so we can create a solution for it.

If you have any suggestions or ideas for the plugin, they are very welcome. You can let us know here: We’ll be delighted to read it and evaluate if we can prioritize/include it


Custom Order Status Manager for WooCommerce Allows you to create, delete and edit order statuses to control the flow of your orders better.

Order Delivery Date Time & Pickup for WooCommerce During the checkout process, customers can effortlessly choose a delivery date and time for their orders.

Pre-Orders for WooCommerce Ultimate Pre-Orders Plugin for WooCommerce.

Show Stock for WooCommerce

Order Status Control for WooCommerce

Disable Email Notifications for WooCommerce


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the \”Add New\” option of \”Plugins\” in your WordPress site directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins option in WordPress
  3. That\’s it!


Can I create my own brands with this plugin?

Yes, you can. You have the ability to include a logo, banner, description, banner link, slug, and name to enhance your brand’s visibility and appeal.




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