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Book Previewer for Woocommerce


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Book Previewer for Woocommerce is Woocommerce addons to change product gallery into book previewer for book store.


  • Management content for book previewer: book cover, back of book cover, book previewer
  • Window screen for Book cover image in single product
  • Window screen book previewer (read a book)


Do follow to install plugins:

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Enter cover image (product image), back cover image, product gallery for book previewer.


Is Book Previewer for Woocommerce Free?

Yes! it’s always will be free.

When do you need this plugin?

This plugin is used when you want to switch Woocommerce image gallery into book style and book previewer.


2021 年 5 月 21 日
It’s really well done and simple but perhaps too simple. Like other reviews, it applies to ALL products – books or not. Need a way for it to only apply to the products that I choose.
2020 年 12 月 5 日
This is a really good plugin, missing just a couple of small features. It’s literally as easy as uploading & installing it and it just works. All of your products in WooCommerce will now act like books with a nice smooth 3D animation. If you had a back image, you can flip the book around, 180 degrees. Any pictures added to the product gallery become “Look Inside” images kind of like Amazon has. It’s great for building a store of books. What’s missing/wrong? 1) It applies to all products, so if you sell any products besides books your t-shirts and mugs and fuzzy slippers act like books. (I fixed this myself with a few lines of code). 2) If you don’t sell hardcover/paperback books (say coil bound) the plugin forces a ridge/shadow along the spine making it look weird and may not reflect the actual product 3) Look Inside could use keyboard navigation or sidebar like Amazon.
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〈Book Previewer for Woocommerce〉外掛目前已有 2 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

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  • Fix: Update style for full width


  • Fix: Change image with product variable


  • Fix: Missing script for quick view popup


  • Fix: Missing style for quick view popup
  • Fix: Missing enqueue wp-media library for admin script.


  • Fix: Conflict with plugin Read Book Addons For Book Store


  • Update: Frequently Asked Questions


  • Initial Release!