這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Block Chat GPT via robots.txt


This plugin adds lines to the virtual robots.txt file that WordPress creates automagically if the file is not present physically on the server to block the OpenAI ChatGPT-User bot that is used by plugins in ChatGPT to crawl websites. Here is the information about the ChatGPT-User bot. It also blocks the the GPTBot user agent that may potentially be used to improve future models.

Please be aware of what this plugin does exactly: If you activate the plugin it will add some lines to the robots.txt file to tell Open AI Chat GPT bots (ChatGPT-User + GPTBot) to not to crawl and index parts of this website.

Please only activate this plugin if you know what you’re doing.

What can I do with this plugin?

This plugin adds the necessary lines to the virtual robots.txt file that WordPress creates automagically to block the OpenAI ChatGPT-User bot that is used by plugins in ChatGPT to crawl websites + the GPTBot user agent that may potentially be used to improve future models.

What ideas is this plugin based on?

None. After the launch of the OpenAI ChatGTP plugins that crawl websites, we needed a fast solution to add these lines to the robots.txt file and this was the solution we coded.

In August 2023 OpenAI added information about the GPTBot so we added this user-agent to the plugin.

What is the robots.txt file?

The robots.txt file is a plain text file located at the root folder of a domain (or subdomain) which tells web crawlers (like Googlebot) what parts of the website they should access and index.

The first thing a search engine crawler looks at when it is visiting a page is the robots.txt file and it controls how search engine spiders see and interact with the web pages.

System requirements

PHP version 7.4 or greater.
We require 7.4 or higher because we believe that everybody should be running a modern PHP version. When releasing this plugin WordPress recommends PHP 7.4 or higher. We would recommend 8.0 or higher as 7.4 has no security updates since 28 Nov 2022.

How to get this plugin in your Language!

The first release is avaliable in English and Spanish. In the “languages” folder we have included the necessary files to translate this plugin.

If you would like the plugin in your language and you’re good at translating, please use the native WordPress Translation functionality.

New to Translating a plugin? First read through the Translator Handbook, then select your locale at Translating WordPress and finally go to the translation page for this plugin to translate it.

Further Reading

You can access the description of the plugin in Spanish at: Block Chat GPT via robots.txt en español.


For further information please send us an email.


  • Lines that the plugin adds to the virtual robots.txt file that WordPress creates.


  1. First you will have to upload the plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Then activate the plugin in the plugin panel. There are no settings.


2023 年 8 月 13 日
i wanted to build a plugin just like this, starter documenting and found your plugin. fuc.k. A.I.s.
閱讀全部 1 則使用者評論


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〈Block Chat GPT via robots.txt〉外掛目前已有 2 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

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2.0.0 (08/AUG2023)

  • Added GPTBot user-agent.

1.0.0 (25/MAR/2023)

  • First release.