What is Biol.me?
Biol.me is a tools to make a bio link with multiple links. You can use your bio link as Instagram bio link or other social networks like Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, …
After register on biol.me you have a bio link like biol.me/username. You can add multiple links, text, video, sound and etc.
What dose this plugin do for me?
This plugin allow you to use onee page of your site domin as your biol.me bio link Url.
biol.me/username => yoursite.com/username
Biol.me WordPress plugin Features
- Use your custom domain instead of biol.me domain for your bio link
- Select which page show bio link
- Easy to use
Some Biol.me Features
- Modules: Text, link, Phone, Email, FAQ, Video, Music, Map, …
- Upload custom avatar
- Bio info
- Question and answer module
- More than 700 free & pro theme
- Social register & login
- Social icons module
- Simple statistics (Coming soon)
- Advanced statistics (Coming soon)
- Customize Modules style
- Make custom theme (Coming soon)
- Product module (Coming soon)
- English
- Persian (Farsi)
To install and using Biol.me please follow these steps:
- Create an account on Biol.me
- log in to your biol.me account and navigate to Account page page.
- Copy Api Token from this page.
- Install this wordpress plugin and active it.
- After plugin installed, Navigate to Dashboard > Settings > biol.me
- Pase Api token at Api Token field
- Select page for use as your bio page URL
- Save changes visit your selected page and Enjoy it!
How it works?
Biol.me will allow you to connect your bio link in biol.me to your WordPress site and use all biol.me features on your own site domain
- Hello WordPress world …
- FIX : bio page saving problem …