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Better Rest Endpoints


A WordPress plugin that serves up slimmer WP Rest API endpoints, with some great
enhancements like ACF fields, WordPress menu endpoints, and more. You can
view the full documentation and features here.


  1. Activate the plugin
  2. Use the better-rest-endpoint API endpoint to access your data


Where can I find all the documentation?

You can find the complete documentation on GitHub.

Why make this plugin?

The core Rest API is full of information we don’t really need in our responses.
This was a solution to serve up exactly what we need for making beautiful sites
with great speeds.

Do I just turn this on and it works?

It’s worth noting that Better Rest Endpoints is for the more seasoned theme or app developer.
Just activating the plugin will do nothing – you need to build/adjust your theme or
apps endpoints to use Better Rest Endpoints.


2018 年 11 月 24 日
Works like charm! It gives me the possibility to limit the response to what I actually need, minimizing it’s footprint.
閱讀全部 1 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Better Rest Endpoints〉的開發相關工作。


將〈Better Rest Endpoints〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


= 1.5.2, Febuary 12, 2019
* Update: Plugin version to fix SVN issue

= 1.5.1, Febuary 12, 2019
* Update: Plugin version to fix SVN issue

= 1.5.0, Febuary 11, 2019
* Add: Functionality to get menus by location

1.4.1, January 23, 2019

  • Add: Functionality to get a page by slug or path for hierarchical pages
  • Add: ‘modified date’ to all endpoints with ‘date’
  • Add: Support for ACF options pages
  • Fix: Empty page array

1.3.0, June 5, 2018

  • Add: Yoast values to responses, see docs for more information
  • Update: How slug values are populated in responses

1.2.1, June 4, 2018

  • Add: Permalinks to all post/page endpoints

1.2.0, Febuary 7, 2018

  • Add: ACF query in endpoint url to hide acf values from the response where applicable (all collections)
  • Add: Media query in endpoint url to hide featured media from the response where applicable (all collections)

1.1.2, January 25, 2018

  • Fix: issue where get post by slug was returning just the first post
  • Fix: instance of lefover $bwe variable naming

1.1.1, January 25, 2018

  • Update: update plugin version to retrigger build.

1.1.0, January 25, 2018

  • Add: get post by slug endpoint

1.0.2, January 19, 2018

  • Fix: static instance warning
  • Fix: failure of ACF function by including admin plugin.php
  • Update: all functions named bwe_ to bre_

1.0.1, January 19, 2018

  • Prep: Update files for release on WP Repo.