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bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab


bbPress 2.3.0 disabled the TinyMCE “visual tab” by default. When activated, this plugin brings it back.

Additionally, this plugin also:

  • Adds option to enable the full default TinyMCE mode (bbPress defaults to “teeny” mode).
  • Adds option to enable the Media Upload button.

There are a few things to note about the additional options that are avilable. Please read below.

Enabling the full default TinyMCE editor mode will display all the buttons, similar to the editor inside the WordPress admin. Depending on your configuration some of these buttons may not be compatible with TinyMCE. For example the “Insert More Tag” button will not do anything when used with bbPress. If you have a plugin installed that adds 3rd party buttons to the editor, this option should not be enabled as these buttons will likely not be compatible with bbPress.

Enabling the media upload button, “Add Media”, will only enable this button for users who have the ability to upload files. By default this is authors and greater. This means this button will not show for normal forum users. This is simply to give administrators the ability to easily upload and insert images into bbPress. If you want forum participants to be able to upload images you should use a seperate plugin such as GD bbPress Attachments.

Lastly, if you run a forum where users will be posting code snippets, this plugin should not be used.


  • The bbPress editor with the plugin activated and media upload enabled.
  • Additional editor options added to the forum settings page.


  1. Upload bbpress-tinymce-visual-tab to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Configure optional settings on the Setting > Forums page


I’m still having problems with the fancy editor

The bbPress fancy editor works well, but has it’s own set of quirks, which is why as of 2.3 it is disabled by default. If you are having a specific issue you can open a support ticket for this plugin or try posting on the bbpress.org support forums for further help.


2023 年 9 月 26 日
Remarkably, despite its last update being 10 years ago, this WordPress plugin still operates flawlessly. It’s truly a testament to its initial craftsmanship. While it works like a charm, it would be reassuring to see it tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. If the developer is around and can spare some time, an update would be greatly appreciated by the community!
2019 年 10 月 27 日
Just thought I’d add that this plugin is still working in Oct 2019. WP 5.2.4 BBP 2.5.14 Simple to manage, just go to Settings/Forums and look for the two tick boxes that allow fancy editor and media upload. Remember you need to turn on your ‘upload_media’ capabilities in your relevant forum roles if you want to add the ‘Add Media’ button above TinyMCE.
2018 年 10 月 12 日
Hello, first of all my congratulations to excellent plugin developer, it works correctly and has several very useful specific functions like the fact of being able to add images in the forums from the WordPress media library. Thank you!!!
2016 年 9 月 3 日
Adds the ease of use of full-fledged TinyMCE bbPress post/thread editing, especially in conjunction with a plugin like TinyMCE advanced. Wouldn’t want to do without.
閱讀全部 14 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab〉的開發相關工作。




  • Fixed issue that prevented settings from showing


  • Initial launch