這個外掛已於 2024 年 8 月 16 日關閉,且不提供下載。 這個外掛已永久關閉。 原因: 開發者要求
2019 年 4 月 4 日
2 則留言
This used to be a great plugin and has served me well for many years.
Unfortunately the plugin dev has moved on, it seems, the plugin has not been updated in an eternity, and causes tons of errors on webhosts with contemporary PHP versions because the plugin uses deprecated/removed functions like ereg()
So: RIP azindex, may you find meat and mead in plugin Valhalla.
2020 年 10 月 29 日
It also functions under WordPress 4.2.2
Thanks Englishmike
Update 2020-10-29:
It also functions under WordPress 5.5.1