AM Wishlist helps you to add product in wishlist.
- Allows user to add product in wishlist.
- Display “Add to Wishlist” button in shop page, category page, tag page.
- Display “Add to Wishlist” button in product details page.
- Allows you to add “Add to Wishlist” button in custom position using woocommerce shortcode.
- Allows you to share your wishlist on social channels.
- Customize button design by adding custom css option in plugin settings.
- Display wishlist table in selected wishlist page using shortcode.
- Hide/Show wishlist table options from plugin settings.
- Add to cart product from wishlist table.
- Redirect to cart page after add to cart product from wishlist table.
- Remove product from wishlist after add to cart.
- Show total wishlist count in admin product listing page.
Display Your Wishlist
You can display “Add to Wishlist” button enywhere in the site using shortcode.
Select Wishlist page from dropdown and add shortcode in selected page editor for display wishlist table.
Upload the ‘amwl-woocommerce-wishlist’ folder to the
directory. -
Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
Go to Admin Dashboard in wordpress
Click on the ‘AM Wishlist’ menu.
Select option form “Add to wishlist”.
Select option form “Wishlist Page”.
Click on the “Save Changes” button.
Is AM Wishlist plugin free?
Yes! AM Wishlist core features are always free.
- A change since the previous version.