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AffiliateWP – Affiliate Product Rates


This plugin requires AffiliateWP v1.5.2+ in order to function.

At its most basic level AffiliateWP allows you to set a global referral rate which all affiliates share. For integrations that support per-product referral rates, affiliates can earn different commissions based on which product/s are purchased. AffiliateWP also allows you to set referral rates on a per-affiliate level which will override any per-product referral rate.

Affiliate Product Rates expands this even further, allowing different per-product referral rates on a per-affiliate level.

Here are some examples of how you might use this plugin:

  1. Give Affiliate X 10% commission for Product A, 80% commission for Product B, and a flat rate of $50 for Product C.
  2. Give Affiliate Y 50% commission for Product A, but a lower commission than Affiliate X for Products B and C.
  3. Give Affiliate Z a flat-rate of $10 commission for Product A, 65% commission for Product B and 22% commission for Product C.

The possibilities are endless! You can also set per-product referral rates per-affiliate per-integration! (for those that happen to be running both integrations listed below).

Currently Supported Integrations

  1. Easy Digital Downloads
  2. WooCommerce

Known Issues

The add-on doesn’t yet prevent a product from existing in more than 1 product rate. Be careful you don’t accidentally add a product to more than location or one rate will be ignored.

What is AffiliateWP?

AffiliateWP provides a complete affiliate management system for your WordPress website that seamlessly integrates with all major WordPress e-commerce and membership platforms. It aims to provide everything you need in a simple, clean, easy to use system that you will love to use.


  • The product rates UI. Shown with 2 integrations active, Easy Digital Downloads and WooCommerce. The same UI is also available when adding an affiliate.


  1. Unpack the entire contents of this plugin zip file into your wp-content/plugins/ folder locally
  2. Upload to your site
  3. Navigate to wp-admin/plugins.php on your site (your WP Admin plugin page)
  4. 啟用此外掛

OR you can just install it with WordPress by going to Plugins → Add New → and type this plugin’s name

Go to Affiliates → Affiliates, and click “edit” next to the affiliate you’d like to set up the product rates for.


2020 年 3 月 10 日 1 則留言
I asked a pre-sales question to ensure this plugin would suit my needs. I was informed by AffiliateWP that it would. I made the purchase and discovered that it only half did what I needed it to do. When I inquired with their support they stated that I would have to go to Code Canyon and pay for the rest of the integration I required. This was going to cost me over a $1,000USD. AffilateWP offered a refund but never actually provided the refund. I would not recommend this product.
閱讀全部 2 則使用者評論


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〈AffiliateWP – Affiliate Product Rates〉外掛目前已有 1 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

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  • Fix: Updated Select2 library for better compatibility with affiliate groups in AffiliateWP


  • New: Requires WordPress 5.2 minimum


  • New: Enforce minimum dependency requirements checking
  • New: Requires PHP 5.6 minimum
  • New: Requires WordPress 5.0 minimum
  • New: Requires AffiliateWP 2.6 minimum
  • Tweak: Allow language translations to be handled by WordPress


  • Fix: Flat rate shows USD instead of the currency selected in the general settings
  • Tweak: Update the Tested up to WordPress version to 5.1
  • Tweak: Add translation files for the Polish language (pl_PL)


  • Fix: Limit products to 300 in the product drop down


  • Fix: Product rates not working correctly in WooCommerce


  • Fix: Email tags were empty in affiliate administration email
  • Fix: Affiliates were registered as “pending” even though affiliate approval was disabled


  • Fix: Display issues on the edit affiliate page


  • Initial release