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ACF Flexible Content Modal


Make ACF Flexible Content editing the content of each layout using a Modal window.

The button to collapse the layout’s elements will be replaced to a Edit button, the fields will be opened inside a Modal window. This will let you order the list of layouts easily and to fill the fields separately.


  • Free layouts list to order easily.
  • Modal window to fill the contents.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/acf-fc-modal directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


How to name each flexible content layout?

If you want to name each of the flexible content layout, you can use the ACF hook acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title.


2018 年 4 月 11 日 1 則留言
“This is so much easier!” excitedly announced a recent client after I installed Flexible Content Modal and simply activated Mr. Pedro’s plug-in. I have been tweaking ACF to replace the default ACF field group title with a custom field and icon to eliminate the confusion caused by the default, duplicate field titles generated by ACF for some years. However, the clutter caused by open and closed field groups makes is difficult to quickly identify where you need to edit or where you left off editing. As much as I adore ACF, Flexible Content Field groups quickly become a cluttered, scrolling mess. With Flexible Content Model, the edit page appears as a clean, simple list of fields and field groups. Cannot stress enough how much this improves usability and the workflow. The fields opening in a modal window puts the focus on the fields being edited and even though the ACF functionality is the same – end users find it significantly more intuitive. I would give Mr. Pedro a big fat kiss if I could. I’m currently building a rather complicated timeline interface and his Flexible Content Modal makes managing a labyrinth of field groups simple. Perfect. Quite a time saver not having to scroll and read through long lists of field groups to find what you need to edit. Super big plus+++ – I’m getting old and my eyes aren’t what they were. I can’t tell you how many times I have edited the wrong fields – as I often duplicate field groups and they share the same naming conventions. Long lists of field groups that all look the same are not good when your eyes are failing. Mr. Pedro saved the day for this “old head.” Try it. You’ll like it. Bravo and thanks Mr. Pedro! Where that donate button? Showing some love from New Orleans, Mark
2017 年 12 月 5 日 1 則留言
Loads of flexible content fields can quickly make the UI cluttered and confusing. Using a modal is a much cleaner way to handle flexible content. This plugin is awesome! I would love repeater field support though.
2016 年 9 月 3 日
This plugin really simplifies the ACF Flexible Fields interface! Really useful. Thank you!
2016 年 9 月 3 日
Great plugin. I was waiting for this useful feature since I started working with ACF flex fields a long time ago. Would be great to have the same now for repeater fields!
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  • Highlight layout field when modal is closed
  • Open modal when layout field is clicked


  • Fixed bug with cloned FC’s.


  • All Flexible Content fields can open in a modal, even nested fields.
  • Fixed action to refresh layout_title hook.
  • Pressing ESC makes the modal to close.
  • Some CSS changes.


  • Rebuild to support ACF 5.7 and organize the code.
  • Adding a new layout now pops up the modal from that layout (ACF 5.7+).


  • Added a feature to indicate which FC layout field have error messages.


  • Fixed ACF Tooltips and Popups.
  • Fixed modal overlay hiding some elements like editor dropdown.


  • Nested FC bugfix.
  • Edit button fix for ACF 5.5.


  • Limit width of the modal window to do not create too large fields.
  • All layouts starts collapsed when open the page to edit.


  • First release