這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

ACF Companion Lite


ACF Companion Lite brings ACF in to the Gutenberg-era with a slick modern interface that Content Editors will love.

Included Styles

ACF Companion Lite comes with styles for the following ACF Fields:

  1. Color Picker
  2. Link
  3. Image

In addition, it also includes styles for a Gutenberg block placeholder/empty state for your block editor ACF blocks.


A Pro version of ACF Companion is available, this includes styles for over a dozen ACF fields and many other CSS classes to help you transform the ACF UI in to something that is truly beautiful. Head over to acfcompanion.com to learn more.


  • The Color Picker field – looking smarter, slicker and fits perfectly with the new Gutenberg UI
  • The Link field – with improved layout
  • The Image field – with a border added and extra oomph to bring it up to Gutenberg standards
  • The Block Editor Placeholder – flexible, easy to customize and fitting right in with Gutenberg


  1. Upload ‘acf-companion-lite’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Done!


How does ACF Companion Lite work?

ACF Companion Lite is jam-packed with hunderds of lines of CSS goodness to help you transform ACF. To utilise the CSS you simply add CSS classes to ACF fields. For example, to transform the Color Picker, you add the class acfc-color-picker to the Color Picker field, and the ACF Companion Lite styles will be applied. It really is as simple as that. Take a look at the available CSS classes to see all the fun to be had (the fields available in ACF Companion Lite are Color Picker, Link and Image).

What are the prerequisites?

ACF Companion works with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF). So you need to have that installed and activated (obvs). ACF Companion is for those who are familiar with adding and editing fields created with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. If you are not familiar with adding fields then please review the documentation on the ACF website.

How do I integrate ACF Companion with my legacy ACF Fields?

Simply add the relevant CSS class/es to the relevant ACF field. CSS classes can be added at the bottom of the field settings on the Edit Field Group screen.

How can I send feedback or get help with a bug?

We’d love to hear your bug reports, feature suggestions and any other feedback! Please head over to acfcompanion.com/support/ to get in touch. We’ll also triage issues reported here on the plugin forum, but you’ll get a faster response (and reduce duplication of effort) by reaching out to us via our support page.

Is it possible to embed ACF Companion Lite in another plugin/theme?

Yes, it is. You’d have to include the files manually in your plugin/theme, but you’re free to modify as needed (as is the case with any GPL software).

Where can I read more about ACF Companion?




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  • Initial Release