Embed multiple 360-degree photos and videos into your blog content as a Gutenberg block or a shortcode.
Specify a text label, orbiting, variable Field of View, Rotation, Resizing and more for your 360 degree image or video.
- See an example here: Using 360-degree Photos and Videos in WordPress
- The complete User Manual is available here: https://andrey.mikhalchuk.com/360-view-wordpress-plugin
Fully compatible with Wordpress Gutenberg Editor. Embed your 360-degree image into your text just like a regular image. Great for storytelling! Place multiple 360-degree images next to each other and sync their viewports. Great for comparing two points of view on a mobile device with full motion tracking! Arrange multiple 360-degree views any way you want. Great for seeing multiple places simultaneously! Tons of shortcode parameters to display the images and label them exactly the way you want. Embed your 360-degree videos just as easily as the photos. Format and place them in the post as easily as regular media. Works as a shortcode in the text, shortcode block, code editor, gutenberg visual editor or as a combination of any of these modes.
這個外掛提供 1 個可供 Gutenberg/區塊編輯器使用的區塊。
- 360 View
If you’re using wordpress.com or configured plugins installation via WordPress web UI then
- go to the WordPress admin console
- go to Plugins->Add New
- search for “WordPress VR”
- Click “Install Now”
- Click “Activate”
If you’re self-hosting WordPress or prefer to install the plugins from the command line
- go to /wp-content/plugins
- download the plugin .zip file (use wget or curl) into the plugins directory
- unzip the file (and delete the .zip file if you want to)
- go to WordPress admin interface
- go to Plugins
- locate “WordPress VR”
- click “Activate”
2023 年 11 月 11 日
My requirement to display 360 photo in my web site is very simple – just to set the initial Field of View to fix the incorrect camera position when the photo is loaded. There are many plugins doing so but such feature requires a paid subscription and bundled in virtual tour. I do not need such fancy feature to create virtual tour. I found this plugin meeting exactly my requirement and expectation. Plus it is free. There are many other parameter to tweak the 360 photo in the initial display. Thanks to the author sharing this great work to the Wordpress community.
2022 年 9 月 7 日
Легко настраивается и хорошо работает
2021 年 4 月 21 日
The plugin is very fine, all necessary function and easy to configure. Good support from developer.
Works also perfect on mobile devices.
2021 年 1 月 15 日
Ich würde ohne zu zögern eine Pro Version kaufen. Weiter so. Das einzig brauchbar Plugin wenn man auf Google verzichten möchte.
2020 年 11 月 12 日
1 則留言
I couldn’t get the inbuilt WP 360 shortcodes to work at all. So I found this plugin on google and within a few clicks, I was up and running. The 360 looks great so far. I should have come here first and saved myself some hours 🙂
- Added “Shortcode Equivalent” for Gutenberg blocks
- Fixed newest WordPress compatibility issues
- Fixed margin support
- NOTE: this version appeared to be incompatible with some WordPress versions and was retracted
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed the problem with Gutenberg editor not initializing under certain circumstances
- Fixing missing style files
- NOTE: this version appeared to be incompatible with some WordPress versions and was retracted
- Added Gutenberg block support
- Rewrote the documentation, moved to https://andrey.mikhalchuk.com/360-view-wordpress-plugin
- Made the code more user-friendly
- Major code refactoring
- Added orbiting support
- Tested with WordPress 5.5.2
- Improved browser compatibility
- Added support for embedding video files
- Improved the readme.txt file. Added low-res banner.
- Improved names of the global php functions
- Added support for the Field of View and refactored to comply with WordPress Plugin requirements
- The first public release. Provides a shortcode embedding 360-degree photos and adding a text label to it.
- This version was not released, I was using it only for local testing