這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

2Performant Link2 – Automatic affiliate links


The 2Performant Link2 WordPress plugin is a light tool (~2KB) that makes life easier for 2Performant affiliates who use WordPress as their CMS. It runs in the browser (doesn’t make load on your server).

The plugin embeds a 3rd party script from 2Performant (https://cdn.2performant.com/l2/link2.js) in the footer of your WordPress site. The script automatically transforms direct links to advertiser pages/products into affiliate links.
Without the plugin, the script should be added manually to the theme.

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  1. In WordPress admin: Install 2Performant Link2 by uploading the 2performant-link2 directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or by searching the plugin in Plugins/Add New;
  2. In WordPress admin: Activate 2Performant Link2 through the Plugins menu in WordPress;
  3. In your 2Performant account: Configure Link2 by going to https://network.2performant.com/affiliate/tools/link2 within the 2Performant platform;
  4. In your 2Performant account: Get Your Link2ID from https://network.2performant.com/affiliate/tools/link2 from Link2 WordPress Plugin;
  5. In WordPress admin: Add Your Link2ID in the dedicated field from Settings > 2Performant Link2 menu;
  6. On your WordPress site check that the script works properly by opening/creating a page where you have normal (organic) link(s) to websites that belong to the advertisers you are working with in the 2Performant platform. Depending on the links transformation method you selected in step 3, you should either have:

– the natural link converted to a redirect link from event.2performant.com (href attribute rewrite);
– the normal link, but left clicking on it will redirect you to a link from event.2performant.com (click event handler);
7. In your 2Performant account: Go to https://network.2performant.com/affiliate/statistics/clicks and check if the click was registered.




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈2Performant Link2 – Automatic affiliate links〉的開發相關工作。




  • Update description, fix layout in plugin settings


  • Initial version